This week I had to go to this school camp and one night there was a storm and I had two LDs in one night (almost three though). I woke up in the middle of the night with the cabin door flapping around because the metal stick got knocked off the door so I locked it again and went back to sleep. I had a dream and randomly did an eye to nose RC but I saw my nose so I didn’t know I was dreaming, woke up went back to sleep and had a LD. somehow I just knew I was dreaming. it lasted about five seconds. I woke up again, went back to sleep, and I randomly did an eye to nose RC and again it didn’t work so I did a finger to nose RC and I could still breathe so then it was a LD and I planned on flying but woke up’’.
I don’t remember anything else, but having two LDs (even if they did last five senconds) in one night was weird and I think it had something to do with the storm.