
Hello everyone. I fiund this great website and I think The owner did a great job of putting it together. I have some questions. Are there any simple tips that can help me have some control over my dreams without doing something daily or time consuming? Because sometimes I have these dreams were I am being pushed around by jerk and they usually try to fight me. Since I take self defence/karate, I usually put up a fight but I can’t seem to control any power to make the fight stop. Like when I try to hit back, I feel really weak and not even do any damage to the person. Also, I would like to learn how to make myself jump higher and even fly in dreams to practise flipping and doing tricks. I’m sorry if I sound kind of like a noob but I just need some help and advise. Thanks for taking the time to read my post.

Hey PlasmaShock, welcome to the forums. I’m also a Karateka and the same thing happens to me in my dream, fighting and doing little damage.

Here is a tip for you: before you go to sleep, read the the forums or a book about lucid dreaming. This helps your brain become “in tune” with lucid dreaming and it could improve your chances of having one. Good luck!


thanks for the tip.

Welcome to the forums! PlasmaShock! :smile: