title song

i m new here, and i did not have any lucid dreamnig by now, but i m regulary writting down my dream diary. So every morning when i m writting my dreams down, for some reason i always remember some title of some song and i just have to write it down. the “problem” is that it never was a song that i was listening in my dream, or before i went to sleeping, not even a song that i heard that day or anything. i thought this is is interesting and wonder if it has any meaning? or is there anyone with similiar expirience?

That’s quite interesting, and yes, I have a somewhat similar experience with this. Whenever I see a certain object or think about a certain situation, a song will pop in my head, its like my own little jukebox. Anywho, I don’t see why you shouldn’t write the song down. Heck, maybe you can use it as a dreamsign and you will hear or think of the song in your dream and thus, become lucid! :content: It’s worth a shot

Are they real life songs though? Or just fragments of a dream you haven’t remembered?

as i m rememering my dream it just pops up on my mind :happy:
they don’t have anything to do with my dream, more like soundtrack inspired by the dream :happy:

haha, I’m not the only one who has this odd “problem” then. :tongue: Whenever I wake up properly, that is to say, no alarm, no noise, but just according to my body natural cycle, a song would pop into my head. And it’s kinda irritating, cos it makes it hard to recall the dream. :bored: Whats more, it is totally unrelated to the dream I had earlier. It seems like some random song.

Sometimes our minds will make up things that never occured in our dream. That is why it’s important to write your diary as soon as you wake up, no bathroom breaks or anything to interfer with your memory recall. :eek:

This might be the case with you.