Tonight's 80-Minute Plan

Correct me if I’m wrong, but if you nap during the day for 80-90 minutes, you will have already done your first cycle of deep sleep. Therefore, when you go to sleep, you’ll go directly to dream sleep. Based on that, here is my plan for tonight.
1.) Sleep at the regular time, setting my alarm for 95 minutes after sleep. (90 minutes for the pre-REM sleep and 5 mins to get to sleep.)
2.) When my alarm goes off, rouse myself, and read about LDing for 30 mins.
3.) Return to sleep, repeating to myself “Look around, 'cause I’m gonna be dreaming.”

Im planning on doing this and having an LD tonight. Basically, this is WBTB + MILD, except I sleep for a less time, right?

Hopefully, this will inspire an LD. Tell me what you think. :content: :happy: :content:

This might work but it has been experimented with a lot and out of those experiments came that becomming lucid in your 1st few REM cycles is actually a lot harder then later on in the night. That’s why mostly for WBTB an advise is given to sleep for 6 hours approximately, and then wake up and go to sleep again. But you can ofcourse try your method and see what it brings you.