Tons of Sleep paralysis, LD and WILD questions!

  1. Two nights ago i was in SP for 30 minutes and could not fall asleep. Who knows maybe i was in a dream but i did not want to break the SP to do a reality check cause i was scared.
  2. How do i know when to do an RC when WILDing?
  3. Most of my dreams are in 3rd person. Why?
  4. I can’t really control my dreams after i do a reality check and realize i’m dreaming and its very blurry.
    5.Is the best way to relax just to count my breath and count?
  5. Oh yeah i fell asleep at one point, did an RC. realized i’m dreaming, then woke up right back into SP.
  6. Also. i need techniques for staying aware while i am falling asleep, so i don’t completely fall asleep and lose focus

you ask a lot of Questions that have been covered extensivily on the forum - answering them all would take a lot of time and text, if you do a forum search on the keywords in the questions you have you are bound to come across helpful topics which already have the answer your search for.

I’d recommend asking your questions one by one in the topics that deal with those things, like for example a sleep paralysis topic, the RC topic, and the WILD topic.

I’ve only ever had a dream in 3rd person once that i can remember and that was before my first lucid dream after i had figured out i was dreaming it suddenly went white and i could see a plain featureless body and after a while i managed to sorta merge into it and when i could see in 1st person again I was in a lucid dream.