I’ve have good recall the latest nights on both 2 LD’s and a lot of ND’s. I almost don’t care to write these down because they were very vivid and long dreams and a lot of details. Everynight. My question is; do I have to write down every dream in my dream journal, even though I remember it excellently throughout the rest of the day? Thanks.
Well by writing them down, despite the extra efforts you’ll have to make they should still help you out and continue to improve your DR. Don’t forget, in this science your mind is a powerful thing… don’t limit it just because you’re feeling lazy … besides habits die hard so make some good ones.
Hehe, last couple of nights I had very good LD and ND recall, and I also didn’t feel like writing them down.
But eventually I did write them in my dream journal, because I wouldn’t like to forget them in a day or two
On the very rare ( ) occasions my recall goes through the roof and I’m remembering multiple dreams a day, I write down a few notes to help me remember it later. That way I can write when i have time, but don’t forget the details. It’s not as good as writting it down when it’s fresh but, I’m late enough in the mornings as it is.
Like Arthiswiftkvar you could make a few notes then fill the rest in. You may not even need to fill anything in if you remember well enough. You could do a few tests on this. I reread my dreamjournals sometimes and some dreams i just have no recollection of what so ever, those are ususally not well documented. It could be that they we’re faint to start with though.
I find writing down dreams to be rewarding on it’s own, not just for recall. Also, while writing you may remember even more.
At this moment, I’m in the exact opposite situation as you! My recall swirled right down the toilet as soon as I became enthusiastic about writing and posting my dreams. Go figure.
Ah, well. I woke up the past few mornings knowing that I just had some incredible epic dreams—and yet I could only remember a few fragments from them. If I had the recall and the will to write those down, they would make for some great dreams, I tell you!
I usually don’t have time to Weekday mornings because of college and work. I do remember them all in my head, I just rehearse the dreams in my head as I get ready for school.
I say don’t bother. It’s all very well to have nice long dreams, but if you don’t have time to type them up, you don’t have time. It’s not healthy to spend too long in front of the computer every day, so I’d say it’s good to take a break!
Now that my recall is very good, I just need to work some MILD to remember to become lucid the next time I dream. Haven’t had too much luck with that the last few days. I want to keep practicing my flying skills