Too scared!

I am the biggest wimp. Pretty much every second night I say “Tonight, I will practice the WBTB/WILD method.” I wake up at around 3:00am every night (I don’t set an alarm - I just wake up then) and I just freak out. I lie in my bed and I’m so edgy! My eyes are like… wide open, and I’m just lying there in a sweat with shifty eyes, listening for sounds that would indicate HH. Then usually, if I’m even close to falling asleep, I see an image or mini clip and I am jolted awake, which is generally accompanied by a myoclonic jerk. (usually I see like, a car approaching me, but only for a split second. Is a car common?)

How can I calm myself down? There’s no way I’m having an LD like this. I’m thinking of doing the MILD method but I don’t know if that’ll work. I’m just too stupid during dreams. And the WILD method just scares me. I actually have nightmares about having sleep paralysis. I’m not actually experiencing it - well, I don’t think. I usually can’t move, can’t speak, and hear a really loud sound in my ear. And then I start floating of my bed, so I’m guessing I’m just dreaming. Sorry about the whole noobish, “my-depressing-life-in 20-seconds” thing, but I really want to have LDs. The only times I’ve had them are by accident, or "DILD"or whatever. Anyway, help to stay calm would be greatly appreciated.

is there a reason you are afraid of it?

also, these shocking awakenings have happened to me, i’ve often felt like i tripped and then i wake up so i don’t have any solid ground under me so i freak for a second.

and the not being able to move or speak IS sleep paralysis, and there’s nothing more to it, the loud sound in your ears is a hypnagogic auditory hallucination, it’s not actually there

there’s nothing to be scared about when doing WILD(even though it might be a strange experience)

Just try to relax. That’s sort of all there is to do. And all you need to do as well.
If you still are not comfortable with it, try MILD! We are all stupid in dreams, that’s precisely why we do MILD, so that we won’t be so stupid. It’s an exercise.
What I used to do was sort of blend mild and wild. I’d often shoot for wild, but had a back up, like repeating “I am dreaming” on exhalations. And that sort of thing.

I agree that it is quite scary. I was scared when I first attempted it, about two weeks ago, but I think I got round it by thinking of it scientifically. I had read alot about the whole thing, so I knew what to expect, and as things were happening, I was able to just think “Ok, this is the hypnogogic stage, where this this and this happens” in an observational way. Try reading up on it in detail, so that you know what to expect along every stage of the process. Also, just remember that the results will be very rewarding. Going straight into a dream through WIlD gives you so much more control and clarity in my oppinion.

krakatoa is right. You have to relax and experience the strange (and at first scary) sensations of WILD with some detachment. Also you can assure yourself that whatever happens, nothing bad can happen to you (which is nothing more than the truth :smile: - ok, apart from the fact that you could totally lose your mind if the old hag appears - j/k :wink:).

Thinking about it scientifically and knowing what to expect definitely helps as well.

Also, if you are too preoccupied with waiting for things to happen, just go to sleep like you would normally and try a MILD or some hybrid of WILD/MILD instead. For example it often happens to me that I attempt WILD, then drift away into a ND, and then remember that I was attempting WILD and ask myself “Hey, isn’t this already a dream?”.

Pal, I know exactly what you are talking about. When I just started to attempt WILD I would wake up and get afraid and make some dumb excuse up or say I’d do it tomorrow and to this day I still don’t do WILD.
I believe that MILD is the best technique because I think its more natural, it’s not freaky and all you have to do is be motivated and say a mantra to yourself. I’ve already had seven lucid dreams in just a month!
And believe me, when people try to say WILD isin’t freaky and to not be afraid EASIER SAID THEN DONE… PUNK…
Good luck on your path to lucidity,
The Luciddator

Try doing this sound, it’s $3.00 [mod]Link to vender removed :ysim: [/mod]

Here is what it says.

Use with I-doser.