Since monday of this week, i’ve been training myself in lucidity. However, i just came back from a two-day vacation from springfield. The hotel we stayed at was bad, as our room was right next to the elevator. Because of this, i had a horrible time sleeping. I couldnt remember any of my dreams during the trip. My question is, will two days of not remembering your dreams interfere with a 3-day streak of remembering them? (mon.-wed. i remembered my dreams. Thur.-fri. i couldnt)
I’m just starting out with my “training”, so…um…i guess my question really is, will not remembering my dreams for two days affect my dream recall?
When I go somewhere for a couple of days or whatever, it usually takes me a couple of days to get my normal dream recall back and it’s harder to remember them than usual for a few days after. It’s different for every person. Don’t worry, you’ll get back on track soon. I’m not really sure what your question is though, I hope I helped.
It’s different for everyone, but for me… when I lost the ability to recall my dreams for some reasons, it takes me a while to recover my ability. I also will have a dry spell of lucidity and dream recall for a while afterward. It takes me at least maybe one week to fully recover, or even more. Well, I can recall equally good if I TRY harder than before… but usually I am lazy so I let myself to recover before I try any harder.