total beging questions

k first ive almost gotten lucidity by letting my body sleep while my mind remains awake but everytime i sleep i see the dream then i realize oh god its a dream i can feel the real world and see the dream this shouldn’t happen then it goes back and im awake i really want to have a lucid dream how can this happen

next lets say that you do reach lucidity and umm you are a little “excited” if you know what i mean and then you see somebody you know and umm lets say release your excitement is there a possiblility that this person will know in real life what you did in that dream and can you lose yourself in a lucid dream and not wake up :eek:

umm there was another one oh yah once you get to sleep and you start to dream how can you take control of your dream and do an RC to become lucid :confused:

thanks in advance

I’m not sure that’s an LD. Sounds more like HI to me. Which is good too - if you can keep the HI going (whilst remaining aware) it will develop into an LD. This is WILD - you may wish to look up a couple of topics about this.

Go crazy. None of it’s real - it’s all just a product of your brain. The DC aren’t real people. The RL counterpart will never know what you did (unless you tell them, of course).

And LD’s are just dreams. You’ll always wake up. You can’t get trapped in them.

Dreams are based off reality, yes? Well, if you take RC’s throughout the day, then you’ll end taking them in your dreams too :smile:.
Also, it’s possible to become pre-lucid in dreams - this is where you suspect you may be dreaming, but you aren’t sure. Whilst pre-lucid you can take RC’s, and thus become lucid.

So you’re trying to WILD. What you have to realize is that WILD is just like Magic Eye—the great trouble people have with it is that, once the threedimentional image starts to show up, you get excited and focus on the paper again. To see a hidden image in Magic Eye, you have to release yourself, you have to be very calm in order not to get anxious and end up focusing on the paper. To succesfully WILD, you have to release yourself to the dream. Once you see it, don’t try to focus it, or else you’ll find yourself staring at reality again.

Hope you got my metaphor. And don’t worry—WILD isn’t easy, but it comes through practice—so keep trying! Good luck.