training wheels for DR

The first week, or so dont even bother writing down your dreams. Eat a good dream diet, such as cheese, and vitamen B6, Melatonin and whatever else. Just keep a loose awareness that you will remmber your dreams, and remmber them only in your head, and thinking about you dreams through the day.The dream diet will help alot. In the secound week you should atleast be recalling some solid dream fragments. Write down less then what you dream in your journal, dont pay attention to details. As you begin to consiousley remmber more, write down a little more, but not the whole dream, or frgment. The third week start writing as much as you can remmber. While the whole time keeping up with a good healthy dream diet. The idea is that you are easing your way into recalling dreams, and it should help you. This way youll know that you are actually recalling more then what you
record in your journal, and it will help boost your confidents making it easier to recall dreams. Alot of times my biggest problem with recalling dreams is I get frustrated because Im not feeling up enough papper on my Dj pages. With this training wheel method I dont sweat it, and Im more relaxed when attempting to recall dreams. The dream diet helps boost my confidents. Allso read other people DJs on this forum.