Transformations You Have Completed

What have you guys transformed into? The only thing so far was a cat on my 4th LD. I didnt try anything else.[/i]

I’ve been an angel, an eagle and I think a dolphin. It was so weird but cool!! :grin:

This is gonna be long.

A hawk
an eagle
a few bats (vampire, false vampire, sheath tail, little brown bat, flying fox, some hybrid one)
a black cat
a wolf
a butterfly
a dragonfly
2 snakes (grass snake, anaconda)
a fairy
a male
a griffin
a unigon ^^
several different kinds of demons
a beast

When I was young, transforming into animals used to be some of my favorite things to do along with flying.

Cool, I want to transform into other stuff too!!
Looks like you are a bat addict!! :tongue:

Yep! I love bats! Hey, that should be my new title.

I wanna try turning into some fish next.

looks at Wyverns title
MY IDEA!! :grin:
stands proudly in the midle of a room while other people give her cookies

In my next I might try to be spiderman.

I wached spiderman 2 today! :content: I want to be… :eh: ummm… an angel!!

Lol, again? I’m gonna try various things.

Yeah, but I’ve only done it once, so it would be fun to become an angel again and then I’ll try different stuff!! :grin:

Oh COOL.Me 2

Ooo uhm…Nothing! :cool_laugh: Im not good enough at Ld’ing yet…but turning into an angel sounds like a fun idea S.D…I like it! :content:

One cool thing I transformed into was an lightning/ice Phoenix… and a vampire once :grin: I even had the teeth and all. :ebil:

tries not to whimper I’ve still got four more nights to go before I can try it.

About two months ago there was Elvis in my (dream) kitchen. I decided to show him what music really is so I turned my self in to music.

Don’t ask me what it was like, because it was beyond description. I was the total music piece at once. There was some slight rhythm and I guess the melody and accompanies were a bit New Agish (not rock 'n roll for Elvis :). I did’t experience the music as normaly hearing through ears. I could say that I felt the music as my body, but there were some light or sparkling sensations along with hearing a five minute piece everything as one sensation. I WERE the music more than I experieced it. There was no separation of the almost total abstract sensation and myself.

I remember thinking ‘this is cool’, and I woke up from the exitement (I should have known better :slight_smile:

So you can transform also into something abstract not just something you can see and touch although spiderman and a jedi knight are one of my favourites (you can just feel the force flowing around you :slight_smile:

The idea of changing yourself int music is fascinating! =0) Dreams are awesome!