Just found out about tribes.net sort of the best of a whole bunch of similar things a little like stumbel etc. Anyway they have millions of tribes about all conciousness subjects but its thin on the ground for lucid ones. If someone set up an LD4all tribe it could act like a mini outpost hovering up all those peeps out there, so someone set it up, pretty easy I’ve just done a Crossroads one.
uk.tribe.net/tribe/451e82f4-c917 … 30?r=10447
Some other lucid ones tennessee.tribe.net/tribe/c0fab7 … a6?r=10381
tennessee.tribe.net/tribe/53b1d8 … 87?r=10381
tennessee.tribe.net/tribe/7ead53 … 13?r=10381
Of course just as I st my’n up I remember I’m moving house so my net access will go down for 10 days or more arse
Price of the info on this page is the reccomendation of 4 revamped pages I’ve recently uploaded
lucidcrossroads.co.uk/how.htm - fully illustrated about what lucidity is feels like, types etc
lucidcrossroads.co.uk/howtodoit.htm - fully illustrated page on techniques, how to lucid
lucidcrossroads.co.uk/WILD.htm - fully illustrated WILD tech page
lucidcrossroads.co.uk/astral.htm - fully illustrated astral projection page
Cheers catch you all in ten days of so… goes back to packing