Tricky dreams about WILD

Was in the bus today, then, it hit me : :wow:

Something happened last night. Suddenly I remembered
me rolling out of my bed, thinking : crap, I’m still awake
and rolling on the floor. I expected to hit some stuff lying
around, but all furniture was gone and I just kept on :rofl:
rolling. I was getting faster till I was nearly spinning :spinning:
and everything began to seem kind of blurry (even
if it was dark, though). In reality I would have crashed
into a wall, but I was going on, rolling faster and further. :crazy:

I dunno why I forgot about that this morning, usually my
dream recall isn’t too bad. and that feeling of rolling outta bed is
everything I remember after closing the book I was reading
as soon as I felt sleepy.
I wish I could remember what happened then. But I might
just have lost all conciousness and entered NREM. :sleep:
Was it somekind of HI? Or a dream?
I have no idea and no idea how to find out. . .

. . . but thanks for all the great help I found here :clap:

PS I wonder if there is anything known to cause
the kind I confusion I experienced?
:music: :partying_face: :bounce: :love: :user: :read: :om: :nerd_face:
Anyone knows more?

Sounds to me like you fell a sleep and had a false awakening.

However, it is good sign that you were at least thinking about lucid dreaming in you sleep.

Try to develop a habit of doing reality checks every time you wake up. Even if you think you are 100% sure you are awake. Prove that you are.

Good luck