Troubles with the alarm clock

ok, here’s the problem. i am a rather heavy sleeper and i dont really wake up unless i have my alarm going off. This is a problem because whenever i wake up, i have to move to turn my alarm off, and if i dont it just distracts me. either way, i lose focuse on what i was dreaming, and i forget what it was. Any suggestions? :eek:

Yes I have a suggestion: Auto Suggestion

It’s as simple as setting your alarm clock to wake you up 5 minutes AFTER you intend to wake up. Then simply let yourself know that you want to wake up at the given time, naturally, and recalling your last dreams. Honestly, it works great.

Auto Suggestion works pretty well for me too. It may take a while for your body to figure out, but once you do it’s awesome for not losing focus.

Only problem is, if you wake up a few mins before the alarm due to Austsuggestion, then you gotta turn it off anyway, or the LD that you will hopefully have after going back to sleep will be interrupted by the alarm…

lol, í’m even worse: i only wake up by the alarm when i’m in a dream(well, last WBTB attempt worked like that:P) but autosuggestion(shouldn’t we make an anorym for that?) works well, most of the time

ye ^^, another tip is just to stay in bed when you wake up (after uve turned the AC off)
then try to remember every single bit of the dream, and tell your mind to remember then EVERYNIGHT.
if you dont have immediate success your mind will be programmed to remember them if u keep doing that every morning :wink:

One thing I’ve tried doing is taking a nap in the afternoon as soon as I get home…around 2:30-3:00. Of course, this only works if I have no plans during the day, and don’t mind being nocturnal…
Even so, just in case I may sleep too late, I set my alarm clock anyway to provide for a limit…say…10:00, or 10:30, which is a long time. Normally, I’ll wake up beforehand with enough time to remember my dreams and write them down…then end up doing my homework at one in the morning…:tongue:

BlissfullBlues you know that that aint healthy? ^^ better wake up a lil bit earlier if u need time to remember your dreams, but make it a habit. That weird nap through the whole day + homework at morning kinda disrupts your dream- and reallife imo. at least i dont think any1 would suggest it ^^

Anyway im no sleep-scientist or summin like that so i cant tell exactly, prolly it works pretty well for you but hmm, your decision :smile: