I think I always, or almost always, know deep down I’m dreaming, without being lucid… In a huge amount of my ND’s I have increadible powers. Not just super powers, it’s more like the understanding that I can do what I want. I’m rarely afraid of bullies since I know I can’t get hurt! It’s like one step below a FLD or something… Last night, for example, I really had to go to the bathroom in a ND but was afraid I’d wet my bed LOL I feel like all these dreams have great potential for lucidity!
So I was wondering if anyone also has this… Any idea how we can make all these become lucid? It would be great if someone has found a solution for this! I have a feeling it’s just a simple step and all become lucid!
use a rock. dub it the “Lucidity Stone” so intead of using a thought that you should remember to realise your dreaming, place that power onto an object (kind of like a DC but physical) which you can see, touch, smell in WL. try to veiw it as sacred to your dreamworld and over time i bet it would grow on you.
for WILDs hold it in your hand throughout and focus on how it feels as a foreign object. im thinking that as you enter the dream, the goal is to bring it with you. so that once your in, it may help you to stay anchored in lucidity.
the stone could be the reason for your powers if you will it, then you wont have to search deep down for lucidity, instead you fell asleep with it in your hand or beside your bed. think of it like the one ring in LOTR, frodo has access to the shadow land by use of the ring, without it, it would require he die to go there, but the ring is his catalyst (spelling?) between the two. lol just dont lose the stone and stop associating with it if you find yourself in a gollum type state of obssession.
anyway was just a thought i had awhile back when i picked up this stone one day. this must have been said before at some point. peace