Just wondering if anybody had any particular TV shows they liked to watch to get the inspired for lucid dreaming? Even shows that might have aided you in gaining lucidity.
dont know if this topic exists already, but i dont think so…
Just wondering if anybody had any particular TV shows they liked to watch to get the inspired for lucid dreaming? Even shows that might have aided you in gaining lucidity.
dont know if this topic exists already, but i dont think so…
Not really tv shows but… I once had a dream inspired by the film Das Boot.
I was inside a submarine… and the captain from Das Boot was there. Except his hair was shorter, like it was cut by a 3 or so blade razor. I was taking pictures of these sort of… blueprint schematics on the walls of the submarine and stuff, and also of people standing in front of them. Nothing much happened.
The X-Files sometimes helped. Perhaps because I used to dream quite often about it, back in the days when I was totally obsessed by the show
farscape gave me some nice space related dreams.
i had this horrible set of nightmares from the x files, it was this one where mulder and skully were pretending to be married living in some house where this monster killed people that broke community rules, or something…
but umm, the twilight zone is just great, i love watching old episodes of it…