Twinlab Choline Cocktail

Twinlab makes an energy drink mix which seems rather interesting. 13.33 oz powder for around 15 dollars. You mix 4 teaspoonfulls with 8oz cold water.

Calories: 150, Total Carbohydrate: 37gm, Sugars: 1gm, Vitamin A: 11000IU, Vitamin C: 1000mg, Vitamin E: 400IU, Vitamin B1: 1.5mg, Vitamin B2: 1.9mg, Niacin: 20mg, Vitamin B6: 2mg, Folic Acid: 400mcg, Vitamin B12: 1000mcg, Biotin: 300mcg, Pantothenic Acid: 100mg, Chromium: 100mcg, Choline: 1500mg, Guarana Seed Extract: 750mg, Dmae: 100mg, L-Carnitine: 100mg, Ginkgo Biloba Leaf Extract: 60mg, Co-Enzyme Q10: 15mg

Seems useful as a source of Dmae and Choline. I’ll try to pick some of this up and eventually post the results (if I can find it anywhere).

Does seem pretty interesting. Let us know how it turns out.

Since it contains guarana you might not be able to go to sleep after drinking that :sad: I tried something that contained 150 mg of guarana and I couldn’t go to sleep at all :cry:

If it was taken earlier in the day perhaps the guarana wouldnt be as much as a detriment. I dont know if the Dmae and Chonline need to be taken near bedtime though.