two new lucid techniques i think...

okay well i ahve experienced lucid dreams in two different ways now the first hopefully does not come into any compliance error’s with the forum rules but here goes masturbation induced lucid dream(is this mild??)-okay well just as it says masturbate but when u finish just go straight to sleep and you will hopefully have a lucid dream(worked three times out of four for me)

the second is cold induced lucid dreams: sleep in the cold,and the shivers u experience before you go lucid give you a good lucid dream becuase of the fact u dont get disturbed from elments and if warmth comes through u become more lucoid due to the comforting warmth(not 100% sure how it worked and it worked three times out of five so yeah)

well if this helps u out any your welcome and hopefully this is the right place to put this

So on the MILD (masturbation induced lucid dream) did you do a WBTB with it? or was it at night before you went to sleep?

Doesnt masturbating to induce lucid dreams result in like 20 false awakenings usually?

And don´t you get blind?
But 20 FAs in a row doesn´t sound to bad, so if anyone can verify this… :wink:

I have mention this form of “mild” because it relaxes you soo much it helps. But ive never succeded…thats thought…goes to bed

i dont know where i can confirm it, but i remember hearing it somewhere.

Ye i posted it a while back but i think it should be given more research. Any results yet Shinta of Wu?

okay i havent gona blind and i masturbate 3 times a week day and 7 times on a weekend. The awakening dont happen because you are so relaxed and tired so you sleep really well and it was right before i fell asleep. there u guys go and is a wbtb??

Masturbation releases chemicals in the body which makes it relax. I can’t remember the name of the chemical. :cool: It is well known as a sleeping aid, and falling asleep faster could help a person who usually falls asleep slowly to have more dreams…

I sleep a lot better when it’s cold than when it’s hot! But if it is too cold IRL, I will freeze in my dreams too. The shivers you are talking about, is that the WILD feeling?

I usually wake up much more often when it’s cold in the bedroom. I either wake up because I’m freezing or because one of my arms have fallen asleep :tongue:

I think this new tech might work for me because when i do wbtb i fall asleep too fast and when i goto bed normally i fall asleep randomly. And when i have done this i have had really strong HH and one really short LD.

Wut is a wbtb?? do u know. please help me out.

A WBTB is when you set your alarm clock to wake you up during your REM sleep, in order to throw off your sleep patern, it usually is accompanied with MILD or WILD. YOu want to stay awake long enough to actually get you awake, but not to make it so that you cant go back to sleep, i usually stay up for 5 mins.

I usually set mine for about 4:30 hours after i figure i will fall asleep.

For the past two nights in a row this method has givin me a LD.


[color=green]wow, your new MILD technique is very interesting. im definetly going to give it a try tonite and will post results on the morrow.

ok i tried it out two nights in a row with no luck but ill keep on trying. tonite ill also take a melatonin and see how that works.

wow and also on a side note, i just realised at the time this message was posted i have been an LD4all member for a year and about 6 hours. thats before i edited it twice tho.[/color]

i dun know wut else to give as an explanation hmm okay dun move at all when u finish because you wil throw off ur sleepiness.Also make sure it is a full orgasm so that you can actually fall asleep.

So basically it puts you in the beginning state of sleep paralysis and you dont want to move because you dont want to have to wait and do it again in 15 mins. lol :smile:

umm yeah pretty much thank u for summing it up in those words