Universal Mind

To strike up some debate and discussion, Id like to hear and learn of peoples ideas, thoughts, and opinions about the theory of universal mind.

Personally I find the theory very intriguing in that a oneness of spirit or mind, could be very possible. Throughout history many forms of religion and beliefs in divinity have been formed. Could this divinity we have all been searching for be only our amazing ability of creativity and thought. An ability so instinctive and powerfull that it alone can create an entire existance of matter, and life. To think that perhaps we and everything around us are truly only one endless existant expanding thought, creating new things as we find space for them. Together, all thought combined as one we shape this place we call reality. To think that mabye this divinity we have been worshiping for so long is the power of each individual thought combined into one univeral existance. I find this theory very sensible. It seems very calming to think we have the subconscious good will, to as one mind create each other to fill the void that is individual existance. To me that is the overall power of divinity we feel and search for in everyday life.