Valerian Root

I have been taking valerian root for the last three days for my insomnia and it has had some interesting effects that i thought I might mention.

about 2hrs after taking it on 2 out of the 3 occasions, I woke up. Once awake I was sure i had been awake the whole time, but, from alot of evidence it seems I wasn’t. Then after settling down again I kept thinking that I have been asleep, when I have been awake the whole time. It was very odd.

All this made me think that it would be good for lucid dreaming, obviously the sleep I fell into is very light, perfect for an LD. Anyone else had the same effect from valerian root?

I have used valerian several times to sleep better. It makes the body feel heavy and relaxed. In my case, it gave me a lot of nice HI! I could see things as I imagined them :cool: Maybe it could be good for lucid dreaming if you took one after a WBTB, where you get more REM sleep?

mm, probably. Does anyone know how strong valerian root is. I, through using it, am sure it is a strong and adaquate substance, but others seem to think it is merely the placebo effect. One of my friends said it was onyl as strong as a glass of warm milk. Is it truely sdtrong enough to help LDing.

Btw, i also experienced HI with it last night, so maybe it is strong enough.

i dunno. If I take Valerian I can never remember a bit of my dreams. Ive tried in higher doses (up to 10 pills) but it didn’t do anything.

10 pills! thats a bit excessive isnt it?

A lot of reports on boast how great mixing valerian root, melatonin, and vitamin B-6 are. You should check out the webpage, though, I think some of the “best” results tend to come from pretty large quantities.
look under experiences.

Also is valerian root a sedative? Does anyone know the effects of mixing it with other sedatives e.g. damiana, skullcap etc. maybe stronger effects? I’ve heard that generally it’s not a very good idea to mix sedatives but i don’t know.

haha. a little. I was hoping it’d just make me super relaxed and tired, but it didnt do anything.

i have now decided that valerian root is amazing. Even while sitting i saw an electric blue haze around everything afteer taking valerian root.

I am so tired of falling asleep at 5 in the morning, so I took valerian tonight to sleep better. I took a short nap earlier, so it will be almost like a WBTB now :cool:

I did sleep well, but the dreams were very hard to remember. I was almost lucid a couple of times, but the effort to get completely conscious was too big. Maybe if I take vitamins with it the next time, maybe on wednesday after warehouse time?

you guys should check out they have a “dream pack” that has valerian, calea zacat(???)something, and some other sleep related herbs.

it looked interesting, but i just got some calea pills, some kava pills, and some 10x salvia extract.

Remember valerian has morphine like actions on the brain.
so prob taking it every day will make it work less good.
so take now and then a break from it!


I have a lot of experience with Valerian, so I thought I’d throw my two cents in.

I’ve been taking valerian, in pill or tea form, by itself and with other herbs like Kava, for over 10 years.

I got a nasty back injury years ago and discovered that valerian not only helps you fall asleep, but also does wonders for nerve pain (better than most opiates I was prescribed), it’s also a mild muscle relaxer.

Valium is synthesized from Valerian. It’s a natural depressant, and personally I prefer it to the pharmaceutical version.

For these reasons, I have to say that when I see people reporting various psychotropic effects like distorted vision, mild hallucinations etc from taking valerian, I’m inclined to think those “effects” are actually psychosomatic and not related to the herb at all. It’s not a complex herb, it simply relaxes the nervous system in a way similiar to alcohol. It shouldn’t make you “trip” any more than a couple beers would.

As for whether it’s stronger than a glass of warm milk, that all depends on the potency and quantity of the herb you are consuming. I’ve tried a couple dozen brands over the years, and trust me, quality counts. Also, warm milk does have an opiate-like effect that makes you drowsy, but it lacks the muscle-relaxant effects of valerian.

Which will work better depends on why you are having trouble sleeping. If you’re physically tense or stressed, I recommend valerian. Psychologically stressed, I recommend warm milk.

As mentioned above, one can easily build up a tolerance to Valerian, so use it sparingly. However, this is not becuase it’s an “opiate” it’s actually just a mild depressant.

Depending on your tolerance for drugs/chemicals/herbs, valerian may make you drowsy in the morning. So if you plan to use it, take it while you still have plenty of time for sleep. Don’t wait till you have 4 hours left before you need to go to work.

Finally, as to whether Valerian will help LD’s, everyone is different, but going by my personal experience, I can’t imagine why it would. If anything, I expect it would suppress REM for most folks. I’ve certainly never had more vividness or LD frequency while taking valerian. Usually, it makes me dream less and have terrible recall.

Hope this helps clairify a little.


Where did you hear this? The active ingredient in valium is diazepam, and as fas as i know it has nothing to do with valerian.

Actually studies have shown that valerian beocmes more effective when taken regularly.

Regularly doesnt mean taking it every day. Jeff meant to say that you can do it on a regular basis with intervals.

You’re right. It seems I was mislead. Among a number of books on herbs I own, one claims valium is synthesized from valerian. I’ve also read it recently on the Net in various websites.

However, I decided to research it more carefully this time and found this among many others:

It seems I was the victim of a rumor and my own laziness.

But I think it’s worth mentioning that this article suggests valerian can “increase dreaming.”

Hmm… in the mind&spirit section, where i first heard about LDing. Go to the dreaming part and search for the substances that help you dream! i saw some interesting combinations of vitamins, valerian and melatonin! :content: