has anyone here experienced or heard of any effects of not eating meat on dreams/LD/DR?
I’m a vegan (no meat, no dairy, no eggs, no fish, don’t wear animal products) and I’m just wondering if any one has any knowledge on this and dreaming.
Also, if anyone else out there is vegan/veggie I’d love to swap recipes or stories.
I’m a veggie Wouldn’t refer to myself as a vegan because I occasionally might eat something with eggs or dairy but I don’t go buy the stuff. I don’t see why not eating meat would make a difference in LDing as long you’re not getting vitamin deficient. (And if you’re not new to veggieism you probably know how to eat all the right things) I take vitamin B’s sometimes. I had some good dream results falling asleep with a suckable B12 vitamin under my tongue.
And my family and I are always looking for new recipes
for hommous you’ll need
about 8-10 parts cooked or canned chickpeas
2 parts tahini (sesame seed paste, kind of like peanut butter)
1/2 part garlic cloves (maybe a touch more)
about 1/2 to 1 part lemon juice
1 part olive oil
a good sized dose of cumin
about the same amount paprika
same amount salt
about half as much cinnamon
I never measure, really.
put it all in a food processor and blend until smooth, the longer the better.
put it on falafel, eat with pita bread, on sandwiches, be creative with it, it’s awesome.
Maybe we should move this thread if it turns into a recipe swap
8 parts fresh basil
1-2 parts olive oil
about a handful of pine nuts/lb of basil
salt to taste
first you need to pull all the leaves off of the basil and save them, either tossing the stems, composting them, or whatever. you don’t want them in your pesto (the little bud like leaves on top are ok)
while you’re at that, put the pine nuts in the oven at 315 deg. F for about 5 minutes, be careful cause they’ll burn very easy.
then you put the basil, the pine nuts, the salt, and the olive oil in a food processor and blend it up until it looks like a sauce.
put it in pasta, on sandwiches, in vegetable salads, on mushrooms, it’s lovely.