This night, I was dreaming I was talking to someone and when for some reason I discovered it was a dream and checked my hands, then I had a FA, but I knew it was a FA, the problem was I was veeery sleepy, it was hard to keep my eyes opened, well, eventually I got up from bed and start to fly (for first time), but then I had two another FAs, and with the same problem.
When I woke up for real, I had the same sleepy factor. Maybe I was sleepy in the dream couse I was sleepy IRL?, and all those FAs?, I don’t know if they were FAs, I was in one moment flying and then closed my eyes and I was there in my bed, but in the dream I remembered I was flying seconds ago, and thought it was annoying.
i’ve been sleepy in my dreams too. Never in my LD’s though (as far as i remember atm). funny how that sleeping feeling carried over to your LD - were you on the verge of sleeping/dreaming?
haha, I don’t know if the word is sleepy, I think it is. I mean you are very tired. And it seems it’s posible, if you think about it tiredness comes from the brain to let you know you must sleep or you’ll die (exageration), so it could be simulated in a dream.
Q, the tiredness didn’t came from the ND, in the ND I was ok, I was tired when I had the FA, and it continued
Hi Pancra85
I felt tired in an ND once when I’d not been getting enough sleep. The brain can immitate any feeling you’ve experienced before. As you were lucid - more aware of your real body?, I’d guess you probably were tired in RL. How much sleep did you have before the FA’s?
I’ve felt tired in a lucid FA before Well - until I reminded myself that I was actually currently sleeping, and so didn’t need to rest (as I already was).
After about 6 hours your sleep is lighter, the barrier between sleeping and waking, closer.
Most of my ld’s happen during very long lie-ins , after 8 hours sleep and eventually i’m so aware of my real body it’s too difficult to stay in the dream.
I’ve felt tired in NDs before, I think it has something to do with not getting a very good sleep, so that tiredness can carry over into your dreams, when your brains kicks it up a notch in REM sleep. That’s my theory anyways.
I use to get this sleepy feeling when I extend lucid dreams at the morning. After 1-2 hours I actually feel myself tired within the dream and I start to collapsing back into my sleeping position. I need to reseparate more often and my vision lose color. I feel the same when I WBTB after too little sleep and too much wakefulness (1-3SC/2-4h). So I think its actually the need for deep sleep bleeding into REM sleep consciosuness.
I’m the opposite to most of you guys… I’m very energetic in my dreams, always. I feel exhausted when I wake up, though. Not a morning person at all, me.
I’ve had sleepy-LDs before. They usually don’t work very well, and they usually happen when I’ve become lucid after going to sleep really tired. Generally I realize I’m dreaming, try to do stuff, it doesn’t work. I get bored, I get tired, and I just decide to give up and go back to ND.