very weird experience last night!

hi everyone

if you want to know my history with lucid dreams check out my post at “The Gathering”

anyways… yesterday I tried for the first time the WILD technique (it was the one that looked like most people liked) well, I had two very weird experiences that freaked me out.

  1. as I was going back to sleep I decided to concentrate on my breathing, and than I started to get all this weird ideas in my head… all senseless (I know this is normal in WILD) but then I started to feel like I was sinking in my bed, very wierd feeling. also started to feel like I was falling off the side of the bed.

  2. my bed is kinda located in one side of my room, and I have a desk at the corner of the other side. I all of a sudden appeared sitting infront of my desk and when I looked at my bed I was there sleeping!! all of a sudden I started to feel like something was pushing me back, and just as I was going to fall from the chair I appeared again at my bed, and I opened my eyes (it was weird because I opened them but I knew I had them closed… as if my “astral” eyes were the ones that opened them) and saw myself again sitting at the desk! and my body was all green, like neon green. THIS DEFINETALY FREAKED ME OUT and thats when I opened my eyes… real eyes. heh

has this ever happened to anyone? because Im starting to rethink WILD and maybe go for MILD or WBTB or something :confused:

or maybe Im doing something wrong… if someone could clear up the steps for WILD id appreciate it.

I certainly would not give up on it since you were successful on your first try.

I honestly don’t think you have anything to worry about. In many of my WILDS I feel like I am being pulled out of my body. It is perfectly normal. As for your other experiences I don’t think you have much to worry about there either. Dreams often react according to your expectations so, if you believed you were having some sort of OBE your dream just may react accordingly. Being lucid can take some getting used to so you will likely experience weird things at first. Don’t worry though they get less freaky as you get more practice.

Congratulations on your LD.

Yes the feeling to be pulled out of your body is an experience that comes along with trance induction.
Never forget wild is a trance induction, a bridge from waking to sleeping.
For the brain has to change the activity of many neural networks, neurotransmitters and brain area when we fall a sleep. Normal we dont witness this consciously but in a trance and that is what a wild is, we do witness that transsition with our consciousness.

But your talented then for trance and wild Daita!
You should keep on practising!


Hi Daita !
Congrats for your succesful first try ! :smile: I’m trying for years and nothing happens :sad: I would be very happy if I had something like your experience !
You’re not doing something wrong. It seems you’re really gifted ! But your experience looks much like astral projection (or transe, as Jeff says :confused:) than LD.
So I would have a question : when WILDing, can we choose the way we want to have an LD ? I mean : can we choose between experiencing an OBE and entering in a LD ?