[VILD] scary weird burst of energy

Last night I tried VILD for the first time. So I went through the dream situation over and over in my head but once after I did it, I felt like my body was about to like take off. Yeah, take off like an airplane. I just felt this weird burst of energy through myself. So I open my eyes and take a break from going through the dream situation to think “What the hell was that?”. I start again and go through the situation about 20 times and it happens again. By now, I am scared ****less so I just give up on it and go to bed. Is there something seriously wrong with me? Or is that supposed to happen and I’m just being a crybaby? I mean it didn’t hurt, it was just very uncomfortable.

why call yourself something so harsh?

being scared can be an appropriate response. i’m sure you know the answer to why it scared you, because it was scary.

just work on pushing through next time and letting it happen.

Yeah. But has it happened to anyone else before? You seem to have been on the forum a long time.

yeah, that kind of stuff can happen to me.

a small spider was staring at me and i got hypnotised in its eyes and all these colors started whirling up while my body felt being pulled/heavied/etc and i was “scared” of that because i thought it was trying to eat me or something.

so i didn’t keep staring so that my third eye would have probably opened and a possible visionary or lucid experience would have ensued.

i was wide awake while this was happening though.


Cat, seems like you were getting into sleep paralysis. You always feel body sensations when doing it. When I did WILD and got into SP, I felt like I was sliding backwards. People also talk about spinning sensations or whatever. Maybe professional SPers can tell you about that. And it is uncomfortable and scary. In my WILD, I didn’t go on, because I thought that’s enough for me to be happy and I was too scared to go on. Next time when you do it, just tell yourself that this always happens when you’re going to sleep, but this time you actually notice it, so your conscious, a good step into lucidity. And that’s a good thing, isn’t it? :smile:

Oh, okay. I also felt like I was leaning to the side and I was about to fall off the bed but I wasn’t.

yeah but the thing is it’s not supposed to be pried open, it should open when all other chakras below it have come into alignment.

otherwise things are trippy and confusing without having the proper ground to integrate them upon.

plus i’d rather have an angel or a human or a teacher open it than some strange spider.

perhaps i can trust them though, they are supposed to be greatly related to the dream world.

it is pretty silly though :smile:

I wouldn’t call this sleep paralysis, it’s just confusing (because of the SP trouble). What Cheshire Cat describes is the hypnagogic state and she experienced somesthetic (dream body) hypnagogic hallucinations.

Cheshire Cat, there is nothing wrong with you, those sensations are very curious when you experience them for the first time. It requires some time to be accustomed to them thus if you’re afraid too much, it’s a good thing to stop.

When you have such HH, it means you’re close to a WILD. People who have such HH may try to roll out their bed, or stand up, or spin around their axis to enter a LD.

I thought it maybe was the process of getting into Sleep Paralysis. Or into dreaming without SP, so that would be what you said.

Yes I understood. :smile: But I think it’s better and simpler called hypnagogic state: 1) because it’s the hypnagogic state :grin: 2) because there were HH 3) because it was not about paralysis 4) because everybody here confuse body numbness during WILD and SP trouble :neutral: (some rare people who are not subject to the SP trouble seem to have reach a real SP state during WILD, but it’s not very common at all).

Basilus is absolutely right. This is just falling asleep. I have gotten there a few times. i call it the seacond threshold. Because i can get into a deep state and i think i’m as deepöy relaxed as i am going to be, then ZANG! It changes. Body feels weird and i have felt like i breathe too shallowly, wich makes me freak out. One time. i felt like my brain was spinning backwards in the back of my head. Then My head seemed to fade away, disintegrate. And for the first time i felt truly faint in the sense that i was faintly there. This always catches me by surprise wich makes me pull out. and then i calm down and think i’m gonna let it come back and push through but it doesn’t come back.