Have you ever thought of this?:
Person A is looking at the grass.
He calls it green.
Person B looks at it.
He also calls it green.
This could be similar to daltonism…
So,what if we swapped the vision of person A with person B and for person A,B’s green is in fact A’s brown.
do you get where i’m going?
What if we see something like blood?We say it’s red.
The other person also says that.But in fact,what red is for this person,may be blue for the other.
What if we’re born this way?And our parents tell us the colors.And we learn them.
But how can this be tested?
debate plz
and sorry if this as already posted or if it’s the wong place…(it probably is)
If your interested in that kind of stuff, check out my project in my signature, its the create a color one. Me and relV got into quite a good discussion about that and how peoples realities are different from others and other topics like that one.
I was completely puzzled by this when I was 10 years old .
I realized that it really doesn’t matter for me. My red is red and if someone else sees it differently, it doesn’t matter. What matters is the associations we have to that specific color.
I think we see the same colors (physically) but every one sees it a bit differently.
Cant be sure though…
Don’t forget about color blindness. I once saw this person who was wearing blue, but claimed it was black. Everyone was yelling at him, saying it was blue.
I have been thinking about this for a long time. IBut I dont really care, since I see the colors in a specific way and if what I call red for B looks like green, but it doesnt matter, he/she still calls it red.
I wonder if it goes for shapes too. For example, I see a square, someone maybe sees it as a circle but calls it square since we learn the names of the items.
And think if it also goes for alfabet: I see it as A, B, C, and so on. Someone else maybe sees it as this: [@£$€{[]}~~-&%¤#"!() Maybe this is true
I’ve thought Of this also, but never gave it much thought.
The only real way would be the describe the color.
Bright. The color of the sun
brighter than orange but darker than white.
Get where I’m going?
Ha, this question has always cropped up in my mind. Ha.
Has anyone here seen the spectrum of colours – we can only see things between ultra violet and infra red – which is about 2% of the scale of possible colours. Id so LOVE to see a new colour – i mean wow, i just cant imagine another colour, that hasnt been covered yet, yano ?
OR MAYBE blind people can see, but not our colors. I just came with that thought thanks to Mew151. Just wondering, the only way is to get the blinds vision for one day
What I was thinking is that people all see in completely different spectrums. Say I was actually seeing colors completely different from everyone else, as in A;s brown does not exist for B. Here’s the picture from tyrael’s color topic:
Say my visible specrum is way down the line from my sisters. I’d explain it better, but I’m in a hurry and have got to get off the computer soon.
Mew…i don’t really know how,but that can be found out…
Yes, Ghostie,that shouldn’t disturb us…and about the shape and letters…
Try drawing a circle with many dots on the drawiong.
Now do a triangle instead of the circle…
You may notice the shapes can reach different points,and thus not possible(is it?)
I mean,in geometry…How would it be if you’d have to find the kongruent elements of two shapes,if the dots withi them are scattered irregularily…
Have you ever seen your deskmate draw a triangle?You may have noticed he’s doing it the way you are too…
And tha counts for the alphabet too.
WD…was it?
Well,the facts say that you can’t define a color by “brighter than” or “darker than” or “the color of the sun”
Because the color itsself has to be seen in an object for example…so you can’t tell.
And what if the whole rainbow swapps?
You can’t say that it’s darker or brighter than a colour,because that color is also shifted.