Vivid dreams

After my first LD i started having VERY vivid dreams. In wich i think “This is reality”

In one I actually did a reality check (pinching my nose and breahing) but i didn’t notice that it actually failed and i was in a dream. :cry: :cry:

In the dream i mentioned i was very tired and i could barely walk. I was falling to the ground every now and then. :sad:

Hmm, I’m not sure at all what to do about the overly vivid dreams… maye they will go away by themselves in time…

What you could do about the RC’s though, is that you could do more than one. If the nose one doesn’t work, try looking at your hands. If that doesn’t work, do another one.

lol … Olesia I don’t think he wants to get rid of the vivid dreams he just wants to have them Lucid too. It’s odd how your RC failed… not sure how this works too much myself.

a hand RC failed for me once, i thought that i was cheating to make it work properly so that i would be in an LD
hooray for logic

haha… I think the trick might just be to IRL perform the reality checks but make sure not to think ‘negative things’ as responses such as “i’m not dreaming”… by this you won’t think the same way when you’re actually dreaming…

it sounds like you tricked yourself but confirming too much that you were awake IRL when using RC’s. -although i’m not experienced, this is information i’ve put together.

I think it’s all for the better. If you do reality checks and they don’t work, you start taking them more seriously after that. I’ve noticed that When I do the hand check my hand is nearly always normal the first time I look. Even text may require more than two quick glances.