Volume levels

I don’t know if this has been posted before – probably, but I haven’t seen it in all my reading here – so if it has, then my apologies.

I had a dream the other night in which I was accessing my computer. I was on a website with sound but I didn’t want to wake up anyone in the house so I tried to turn it off. I muted my speakers but it came right back on. I tried many unsuccessful attempts at adjusting my speaker volume and windows settings but nothing changed the volume. It would fade as I adjusted the controls, but as soon as I let go, it would restore itself.

Does this mean that sound, like light, cannot be adjusted in a dream?

no, it means that sound and light couldn’t be adjusted giving your current abilities, expectations, and state of mind in that particular dream

example => the first time i attempted telekinesis in an LD, i was unsuccessful… but that doesn’t mean that telekinesis is impossible to do in a dream, and i have done it since (through some trial and error of course)

But I’m thinking this was more of a FA than a normal dream. When I adjusted the volume I fully expected it to stay adjusted. And to my understanding, light can never be changed. It’s very possible that I’m not skilled enough but maybe someone should try playing a CD in an LD and try to turn it down to see what happens.

device malfunction is common in dreams.

i fully expected the object i was trying to move w/ telekinesis to move at my volition, but it still didn’t work the first couple times… there are subconsciosu expectations too

then it’s time to update your understanding… light CAN be changed. there are plenty of people on this forum who have said they flipped a light switch in a dream and the lights turned on just fine.

edit: hey, that was my 500th post, i shoulda saved that to say something profound and wise, oh well… i guess i’ll have to wait for my 1000th for that… dream deity huh? has a nice ring to it :yinyang:

That is just a simple myth… I had a false awakening just this morning, where my light switch worked just fine…
I have a theory though… If you read that the light switch does not work, and then try it in your LD, then it most likely will not work, cause you subconsciousely expect it not to.

This is good information. I’m glad someone corrected me. I’d feel really weird if I was having a real LD and didn’t believe it cause the light switch worked regardless of the purple demons outside my windows. :eh:

A couple nights ago, I thought there was a digital clock in my dream. But the numbers clearly read 1:07 am. Is it possible that the messed up clock RC is also a myth then?

EDIT: I should point out that I’m not sure whether I was viewing the clock or it was more of a “mental clock”.

yes! :smile: Dreams are more unstable though, so looking away and then back, might change the numbers, but that is in no way guaranteed to happen. Expecting/willing the numbers to change, works for many people though but is still no fool proof method. Why i think it wise to do multiple reality checks, just to be sure. :smile:

Well heck, then what is the point of doing any RCs? Just the hope that something out of all those will be different? I guess that answers it.

well, dreams are generally more unstable than waking state, so it is quite common that you will notice something strange when perfoming a reality check, it is just not guaranteed to work… Some reality checks works better for some than others, so it is wise to try different ones…

shadowless… i think digital clocks and light switches aren’t the best reality checks… i suggest trying something that is impossible in waking life.

like me personally, i’m good at flying, and it is something i can almost always do when i’m dreaming. so my reality check during the day is to stop when i’m doing and try to fly (i’m sure i look pretty funny to anyone who’s watching me, but whatever)

other people stick their finger through their hand as an RC, but i never used that one since i’m not good at it and it has failed me in dreams before.

just find one that works for you :yinyang:

Why exactly is that? Are some devices too complicated to be simulated by your mind?

My favourtie RC is checking clocks. They always tell a readable time, however by checking them two or three times, they usually change.
For the record, my second favourite is counting my fingers.

You should try it once your already lucid. It’s a really weird feeling (it was actually quite nice). But I put all my fingers through… not just one…

Yeah, that’s the best advice anyone can give :grin:.