w00t! for running across this site!

Ok this is my first post on this site. after reading alot of the post on this page i decided to go ahead and sign up to post my own message. Recently I had a couple of Sleep paralysis so i decided to research the topic a bit and I happen to run across this this Lucid Dreaming subject. So after reading this site and a few other last night for about 3 hours I went to bed with nothing on my mind other than having a lucid dream and all the tips associated with getting one. After having a total of three dreams (atleast thats all i can rember) on the third one I almost went lucid. So heres my story…

after the second dream i wake up normally but decide to go back to sleep since im needed to get up for work until a hour later… so slip back into sleeping and i begin to dream… (im gonna simplify the dream from so much detail to make it go by faster). The next I rember is is walking up some stairs of some house with about 3 people and one of them in front of me says something of the likes of “i just dont feel right” and he showed me how when he pulled on the railing it kind of warped out" and I just laughed and replied “but youve always been fat” (even thought he wasnt) and he agreed…( it was almost like he was trying to point out we were in a dream but i didnt catch on) anyways im gonna skip a bunch of normal dream stuff and get to the next important moment … im sitting on the floor talking to this guy and then I start to ask him if he has ever heard of “Lucid Dreaming”. he replies “no” … so i start to explain it to him and I get to the point where i tell him about Reality checks and about checking clocks and then i demonstrate how you can check your hands and I look at my hands and i realize that they are a little blurry and a bit off colored and at that moment "


my fuqin alarm clock goes off =p


that is hilarious! :grin:

w00t? :eh:

monitor w00t! is sorta like saying “hell yeah”
its a way to express being exicited


Funny isn’t it? It seems both the mind and physical surroundings we return to upon our completion of a dream are parallel, and seem to work together to produce and conclude our dreams to give us enough, for then we have reason to return another night or exploring the set stories our dreams portray to us.

We know that dreams ususally are seemingly longer in having, than say the actual time of sleep in the physical world. Could it be our minds are so great they have the power to commnicate with the physical world? Or could it be there is a much deeper resolution to the question that has pondered the minds of many scientists, and people alike for eons. Or maybe, is it the mind has a sense stronger than we yet believe to be in existance, that could predict the outcome of such events in the timeline of a dream that would allow the being in the dream to become concious in the physical world to which he/she syncs themselves to the everyday happenings of life in the physical world?

ie: The mind provides a chronological map of events of the yet be, and is able to manipulate the imagary we are presented in our nightly retreats.

Or could it be my theory on doubt? For when ones mind retains the element of doubt, the mind is in a state of confusion as in what it should believe to relay in a logical translation for which we can interpret in the concious state. That may be the reason for return or awakening to the physical world, for when the mind is unsure of the ability to dream in such a state, conflicts between one’s present knowledge and beliefs, and collides with the doubt in which a person retains in both, expressional concious, and subliminal. One doesn’t necessarily need to feel this doubt. It is possibally translated to the mind and thoughts in the form of a mixed emotion, where there isn’t really much thought into it.

As for now, we can only enjoy our dreams as they come to us, and be thankful we have the privilage to return to a place where we can be in a state of ease, and the greatest limit is time.

-that is all I have for now-


What’s with the zeros? :eh:

Monitor199a, w00t is l33t, the language of all the h4x0rs out there… they try and replace O’s with 0’s, I’s and L’s with 1’s, to look cool… it is fun to write l33t because it is so counter-productive…

I am assuming you mean that scientists and non scientists ponder the question… not that the question ponders scientists and “people” (what are scientists then?)… but if you mean what you wrote… that certainly is an intersting opinion… :content:

shudders at memories of reading entire paragraphs in l33t

I’d almost forgotten about that stuff… :confused: