Alright, my RC goes something like this. Whenever you talk to ANYONE, randomly during the day, tell them they might be dreaming. My dream went like this. I was having a dream that Im not gonna go into to much detail until the end, we were at a tower that we had to climb, and my and my DCs (Which I remember vivid faces :o) got stuck on one level, and this girl starts making fun of us for not being able to get up, my friend disss her back, and I say to her “Hey, be nice, you might be dreaming, you’ll never know what could happen.” I IMMEDIATLY say to myself, wait… I might be dreaming! so I flip my hands up, and I dont have a scar on my left hand, but that was the same. So I put my hands down, and then say, I know I couldnt have got here unless I was dreaming. So I walk over, generate Ed from Ed, Edd, and Eddy (Dont ask me why, I dislike that show o_o). And I make him say “Am I dreaming now?” I immediatly start to jump with joy in my dream, but then I woke up from being to excited But hey, my new RC was what triggered I was dreaming, and so thats my new RC! I dont have to do anything physical in my dream, try it out, after about 1 week it starts working.
so wait won’t people think you’re wierd if you keep telling them they might be dreaming??
I’ve gone through a number of different methods for remembering to perform an RC. Several months ago I used a watch with the hourly chime feature. I only heard it a few times during the average day, but it was better than nothing. Also, whenever it’s convenient, I write the letters ‘RC’ on my hand where I’m likely to see it consistently during the day. This works particularly well with me, given that I do a lot of typing.
Starting this afternoon, I intend to coat the interior of my apartment with Post-it notes. I had this idea months ago, but somehow lost it before I moved out and the opportunity arose. Anyway, I hope it works.
Does anybody have any experience with the idea of writing RC on your hand and do a RC whenever you see it, or by using a bunch of post-it notes like Atheist said?
Will this help you increase the number of RCs you do independent, or could it have a negative effect because you only train yourself to do an RC whenever you see it written somewhere?
Moonhunter – I guess it can really go both ways. If you write RC on your hand and perform an RC whenever you see your hand, you’re depending on noticing your hand during the dream. It really goes the same with a lot of different RCs, such as the “When I see a clock/person/whatever I’ll perform an RC” technique. But since you usually see your hands a lot IRL, it’s common to see them in dreams too. Same with everything else. So it just comes down to depending on seeing your hand in the dream, and since you’re paying so much attention to your hand IRL during the day, I guess it kind of raises the chance of seeing it in your dream.
However, if you do see your hand in the dream you’re pretty much set to go, unless you forget to do an RC (if just counting your fingers isn’t enough!)
So it goes both ways, and I think you’re more likely to succeed with this technique if you look at your hand A LOT during the day and do RCs.
Okay, I’m done You might want to contact someone a little more experienced though; for all I know I could’ve just typed in a bunch of nonsense that doesn’t make sense…
Wha? Why did so many posts get deleted here?