Waking up instantly during WILD/FILD


First, congrats for the awesome site. People from the chatroom already know me.

I’ve been tring to induce LD for a little more than a week now. I’m trying MILD, WILD and FILD all together, and the first one that works wins (lol).

/me does RC… not dreaming.

Okay, so far I managed to get HI and stuff, and they do become full images with sound, etc., etc.
when I finally reach some state where I think it’s a dream, when I realize it I instantly wake up. Let’s say that I think I’m dreaming, I want to RC, in the next second I’m in my bed and doing that RC. It’s not false awakening since I indeed do the RC, and it passes (or fails, depending on how people actually see it).

yeah i hear that happenes a lot, try to not get excited, jjust go with the flow

Well, I wasn’t (I think)… in fact, I don’t even think I had time to get excited…

So you get images and sound? It sounds like a good result. Can’t you move in these images? Or are they just sort of projected in front of your eyes?

I don’t think I really could move… maybe I was too early?

Maybe that’s this too early moving attempt that made it fail?

Also, you say “projected in front of your eyes”… I think I felt like it was surrounding me, but it was very weak…

Yes it sounds to me like you were too early. I have to let the dream stablize a bit befor I can do anything. It does sound like you were in a dream, but still in the transition, not yet 100% in the dream.
As for excitment, it starts in the body befor you notice it, so that could also have something to do with it. First WILD’s are normaly very short.

It restarted “working” last night. Twice. Sleeping in a different position than usual seemed to be efficient.

The dream was clearer than the other times, but they stopped as abruptly as the other ones did.

First one, I get HI and the stuff, then I see flashing, colorful lights. I’m conscient I’m having HI. Fine. Then, it transforms into a complete scene, I’m in a car, it’s Christmas and we’re looking at the tree someone put on his lawn. With flashing lights of course. While HI transformed into a scene, I think my lucidity slowly falled, but then I realised again… I’m in a dream. Not exactly excited…

Poof. Back home. Just when I got lucid. Like the two other times.

The second one was less vivid and less lucid. I was a lot less conscient during HI and then the dream began, felt someone touching me, almost trying to lift me from my bed. I felt myself being moved slightly. Whoa. I tried to move. Killed the dream.

It’s obvious that in the second one I wasn’t paralysed yet but I was close to.

I’m not sure about the first one. I obviously could’t keep myself from realising I was dreaming, or close to, it just came out. I don’t think it would’ve been a good idea to move, but… well, why the simple fact of becoming lucid snaps me out of my dream? I dunno.