this is how it goes…
i was in bed trying my wild technique as usualy and i had my phone next to me on my bed… in a period of 10 minutes from when i entered my bed i got 4 mesages on my phone so i coulnt disgard it. I kept my body still and replied to my message. After the 2nd message i legs felt really heavy. And after the last message(the 4th) i couldnt feel my legs at all. I tried moving my big toe to see if i wasnt just making it up but i couldnt. Well… i did slightly, it was like i had i bad case of arthritis. I probably moved it a millimetre and it felt liked it cracked, lol
it was like changing gears on you car without having the clutch fulling in. It can be done, but it makes a bad noise and it hard to put to gear in place. It was that kind of feeling
Anyway i decided to stop replying to the message on my phone and make the best of this moment…
I kept my mind concious and let the rest of my body fall asleep. It was such a good feeling. It was like sinking. other feelings happend throughout my body aswell but i cant explain it in …
I was thinking at this time… wow, mabey i might be able to get lucid this time
then i thought, stop thinking about this you idiot, think about something else and just let it all happen, otherwise you wont get nothing
i then started to hearing ringing in the ears and again i thought… wow, they were right about hearing things… then i said to myself again “Shutup you idiot ”
Then my eye started to go crazy. It was like twitching and stuff, i cant quite explain it.
I didnt get many HI but i got some vauge shapes comming up
i tried thinking of my spirit just slipping out of my body and entering an LD…
i wasnt quite sure what to do at this point
oh and by the way… my body didnt feel like my own anymore, it felt like i was dead and it wasnt my body…
i had not idea what to do a this point so i thought well i will do what everyone says and just let it go…
my body was allready asleep and my mind was still concious so i thought why not just go to sleep normaly now…
i did that and nothing exciting happend
What was a surpose to do?
i thought about opening my eyes but then i thought that might be my real body and it will wake me up…