Was I lucid? Pretty sure.....

I went to sleep uttering the MILD mantra and lapsed into a dream where I was driving my van down a country lane when a strange rush went through me and I felt aware I was dreaming. I then found myself in a seated position in front of the van and trying to keep myself above the road in fornt of the van. I felt the wind and I was fucking freezing. I was able to speed up by putting my foot down where the acclerator should have been. Then I was able to stop and initiated a take off and flew about five yards down a hill. I couldn’t get the hang of it, my feet kept drifting up above my head but then the flying kid from Spirited Away turned up and gave me a lesson! He flew straight up in a spiral and then came straight down on his feet Neo style! I asked if it hurt his knees and he said he was fine, he liked it.
After that I lost ‘control’ of the dream and seemed to be having a passive one where I was trying to get into a narrow kitchen with a doorway about 30cm wide. I could see a lad with red hair in the mirror in fornt of me and he was walking away from me, it felt like a i could go through it but i wasn’t in control.
I woke at 4am fully energised and wrote this down but I expected a lucid dream to be a bit more of a definite feeling. Was this one, even for a bit? Will my control get better?

Yeah this awareness is very important. It’s rather easy to have prelucid dreams: they are dreams in which you may say “hey this scene seems like a dream” but you don’t realize what you’re saying and continue to dream normally. This realization however, which is thé typical feature of a LD, is far more difficult to achieve. Therefore you need to practice a lot irl. Here in your case, it seems like you managed to actually realize you were dreaming, albeit on a low level. So I’d say you had a low-lucid LD. Congrats! :mrgreen_hat: This wasn’t a high-level LD because you continued to go with the dream flow and you didn’t fully understand the true nature of the dream.

Your control over the dream, the length and level of your LDs will definitely increase in time once you’ll become more experienced. But you need to keep practicing ofcourse :smile:

Good luck with your future LDing! :happy:

So, I’m just curious. Did he look like an animated cartoon in your dream like he was straight out of the movie? Or did he look different since he was in your dream and you were interacting with him.

Yeah it was Haku, the boy who turns into a dragon and flies Chihiro into the bathhouse at the beginning and he appeared as he does in the film. Animated characters have turned up in my dreams before but I’ve only had one wholly animated dream.

Interesting. Yeah, animation or animated characters sometimes come to me in dreams, but only in the most bizarre abstract visual forms. Animated or computer animated dreams are usually impossible for me to gain stability in because the entire dreams is so abstract visually. Hmm…