Was that a WILD?

I took an afternoon nap today, on the couch. I woke up after some time, and was really tired and disoriented. Then, when I opened my eyes (it took some effort), the “beeping sounds” in my head got really loud. So, I closed my eyes and wanted a WILD. I noticed something was drawn onto my eyelids in silver. It was my avatar(without the hand). Then I opened up my eyes. “It did not work”. Then I looked at the TV. My avatar was drawn on it in really bright colors!! I looked around, it almost looked like everything was under water. I got up from the couch, and started walking around a little. Then, as I reached the hallway, I lost lucidity while arguing intensely with a large reptile that was hanging in the roof. Later I woke up.

Then, I decided to try WILDing (if that’s what is was) once more. I succeeded, my TV looked the same as in my last dream. Everything was still “under water”. I got up and yelled “increase lucidity!”. No use, even my voice sounded like it was under water. Eventually, everything around me become more sharp and focused. I tried to rub hands, but I had no hands on my arms :sad: . Also, when looking at my arms, I noticed I was cross-eyed (you know when the eyes don’t cooperate correctly). I lost lucidity shortly after, and woke up.

Were those WILDs?
What should I do to stabilize everything in my dreams, nothing works :confused:

:peek: check the big WILD topic…

ld4all.com/forum/?https://www.ld4 … php?t=4109

to keep things central, this one is locked.