Was this a False LD? or not?

Ok was about time i had my 2nd induced LD!!! (well…)

Here’s what happened:
I tried WILD’ing at 1am trying and trying but i just was too sleepy. I woke at 8am i think and then (i didn’t do WBTB)
i continued sleeping to wake up again by my father (he wanted to ready me to go to the mall) then by last time i continued sleeping.

In the dream i was in some kind of soccer game? :eh: i was heading towards a group of ppl in seats, and i then there was this fat grossy guy beside me(who reminds me someone in college) and i told him :grin: “Why do you smoke?” (note: i want to say that i was semi-lucid because i could say my own script but not knowing that it was a dream, just low awareness and lucidity. Then i was with the Soccer group? where they were partying(i guess they won) but they were a lot of young players; anyway after that i was chasing some rabbits.

Now for the Golden Crab; I was in The Cranberries Mansion?! :cool_laugh: With another person i don’t remember. The mansion was kind of big but with a semi-strange structure.
Then there was this stairs where the other person went up and i followed him. I passed another stairs in my right leading to somewhere lol… :shy: Each time i was gaining more lucidity i guess. Then there was this hallway with a couch
in the middle, i had to get pass the couch by walking over it.
After that moment i was lucid completely(i mean high lucidity)
it was way more lucid than the previous LD, everything looked so real(but i didn’t have to do any RL)and i told myself "am i dreaming? . The LD lasted only a few seconds, less than the other but far more lucid.

After the lucidity moment i got a little too excited and everything went black and red(like when you close your eyes)
and i try looking at my hands but they were very dark and blurry to focus on. Then i tried spinning and that was working, i tried to spin each time more fast, i was starting to see this bright light in the center. The next dream scene was forming but then i had this FA; i was in my brother’s bed and i woke up, he told me “Don’t do those things,it’s spontaneous” :neutral: and then i woke up IRL.

Those few moments of lucidity were so vivid, i think the most vivid you can think of, it was like right now but a little different in brightness, like more bright. Ok bye and sorry for my excitement.

i wonder why my 2 induced LD had “The cranberrries” or something related to it in the dream.

Because, quite apparently, you’re obsessed with cranberries.

with “The cranberries” band… cuz im not obsessed with the fruit. :shy: