Was this a fully lucid dream?

finally! last night i had my second lucid dream!
i think

It was nighttime and i was sitting on top of a mountain with my friend Alex (in real life Alex also has a lot of interest in lucid dreams, its kind of a “hobby” we study together), a few other friends that i dont remember, and my old chemistry teacher. She was talking to us about something unrelated to chemistry, but i wasnt really paying attention. I was staring at the sky behind her. It was rapidly changing colors from blue to purple to pink and over again. I noticed the irregularity of this and was even more surprised when i realized that the starts were falling. This was not a bad thing, it was just how the sky was. I decided to do a reality check (thanks to my doing so 10000000000000 times during the day) and i looked down at my hands. My left and right hand had been swapped (right hand on left arm and vis versa) and both of my ring fingers had an extra finger wrapped around them. At this moment i realized i was dreaming. What was so enjoyable about this wasn’t the fact that i was capable of doing anything i wanted, it was just that my brain could come up with such a beautiful “world” and make it seem so real. Now up to this point it sounds like a normal lucid dream, but about 5 seconds after i became “lucid”, i shouted to my friend Alex, “Hey Alex! We’re dreaming!” and he got really excited. I decided to try and fly off the mountain, and then the dream ended (or thats all i can remember).
I dont know why i would have told Alex we were dreaming if I had understood he was not real.
Another thing is that i did not wake up from this dream, i just happened to remember it about ten minutes after i woke up.
Do you guys think a had a “fully lucid” state in my dream, or does it sound like maybe i wasnt lucid at all.

You were indeed lucid if you knew what you were doing and if you made yourself do what you want> Conragulations on the LD. Oh shouting to your friend ( Alex is my name to! ) could make him lucid and create a shared LD or something else. In my opinion that is.

I would just like to say that for that to be possible they would both have to be empaths, with him sending signals and Alex recieveing. Alex would also have to be dreaming and they would probably have to be in close proximity. I can’t say I have absolutely no belief in telapathic communication, but I can’t say I believe in it either. I would immagine that it all turns into some kind of radiation (electromagnetic or some sort) and that percieving another field MIGHT be possible, but there are physical limits even in paranormal and theoretical sciences.

Sorry I felt the need to rant for a moment :tongue:

It was defenatly an LD. Sounds like an intersting sky.
Next time, you might want to do some prolonging techs. befor you go off flying :smile: My bigist problem is that when I fly, I just keep flying higher and higher until everything goes black and I wake up.
Good luck with your next LD.