Was this a lucid dream????

Ok. So I don’t remember much, and its really hard to tell whether or not it was a true LD… anyways. I was having a very long, complex dream most of which i don’t remember, and then i was walkin on this sort of dock thing and i looked behind me and saw a face or something. suddenly i thought “i’m having a lucid dream!” and suddenly i jump in the water then i jump out grow angel wings and fly away. now i know this SOUNDS like a LD, but i have some objections.

  1. There was nothing that really made me lucid. no crazy event, no RC, nothing.
  2. even though i became ‘lucid’ i really had no control or anything because if i did i know i would have first tried to meet my dream guide and if i couldnt do that i would transform into a dragon; flying would be third. also, why would i jump into the water and THEN grow wings and fly away? doesn’t make sense, just like a normal dream.
  3. i didn’t really think about flying, it just kind of happened and i didn’t feel the air or anything…

i have an idea. its possible to dream about anything without waking up or realizing your dreaming, so why not dream your lucid dreaming but your really not? that might make sense to just me…
i don’t know im really stumped on this one.

also i just realized all, or at least the vast majority of, my dreams are in third person. im always watching myself do things instead of actually doing them. if and when i become lucid would i go into my dream body? or could i force myself into that body? do you dream like that too? :confused: :confused: :confused:
thanks for the help!

Well ive had a dream where i said HEY! IM DREAMING! and then i lost control instantly…im not sure if this is exactly liek that…theres dreams i had where i was like “I know im dreaming…” but i didn’t do anything i just went with the dream…so maybe it was something like that

It might have been a FLD.

The key question was, did you know you were dreaming?

did i know i was dreaming… thats a very hard question to answer. i’m pretty sure i thought “yes, im lucid dreaming!”, but since i’ve never had a LD before it didnt really register that i was REALLY DREAMING. it was more of something to be attained and i didnt really realize what LD was at that moment.

So the answer is yes, i did know i was dreaming, but no, i had no clue i was dreaming.

Sorry for being so cryptic and speaking riddles. I really have no clue how to talk about dreams. Im new at this you see

It’s just a low lucid, we all have those, it’s a dream where you are only partly lucid. They’re quite interesting all the same :smile: and besides, why riddle yourself on one LD, where you could have just another LD next night? Have some more practice, and you’ll get accustomed to the whole thing, you just see ^^

Also, I see around here it’s pretty common to dream in 3rd person, but I don’t really know what it brings because I stopped having them a while ago. :tongue: