Was this an OBE?

Well, I’m new to LDing and I was wondering if you could help me with this question.

Yesterday afternoon I tried to MILD. But I was so concentrated on my mantra that I remained awake. I’ve not tried to WILD because of the voices thing… :bored:

After a few minutes I felt SP and I began levitating over my bed. I could see everything with my eyes closed. It was so real! :woo: But after a few seconds my sister woke me up! :grrr:

What do you think it was?

Its called astral projection.

I think it was an OOBE, since you didn’t actually control yourself and go anywhere. AP and OOBE are pretty similar, but the differences is that with AP, you actually have control while OOBE is more spontaneous without much control. :razz:

What would be the difference between Astral Projection and a Lucid Dream then? Aren’t they both the same?

AP appears to happen in another realm, while LDs are just in our dreams

Cool. lol Also, how would we be able to tell the difference if we were to have an AP? Does it feel different compared to a LD? Thanks in advance. :content:

Np :content: , when you astral project, you’re leaving your body, so you’ll know when you ever have an AP because you’ll see yourself in bed. In terms of feel, I’m no expert haha :razz:. I hear AP is extremely vivid though.

I thought it was an OBE. At first I was scared because it’s the first time i’ve had one so reallistic. It was amazing! :woo:

When you are lucid in a dream does it feel so reallistic?

ah… sorry to dissapoint you, it is propably no more no less a false awakening inside a very lucid dream, there is absolutely no way to seperate an LD from an OBE, and I highly doubt OBEs exist. Next time if the same happens you can do a reality check and move through the house, floating or not, and see what is taking place inside. You can also move outside and see the enviroment. When you wake up these might not match reality so you know you just lucid dreamt. There is no way to seperate real LDs from reality, reality seems like a prolonged LD actually. Actually you can control the transition between nearly falling and falling asleep, you are simply lyinh in your bed ( mostly facing upwards), but you hear odd voices etc which is a description of some OBE beginnings, the odd voices are nothing, they might be products of stress and they might come from those inside your home, but that’s just in your mind. Also you can know the EXACT moment you fell asleep, and where your real eyes close your dream eyes open and you are in your bedroom. If you can control that transient phase you might decide at that very moment what you will dream. All that appart from possibly being real can be one or more false awakenings aswell. This is what happened to me yesterday.

If you wake up inside your dream and have a lot of energy in it, which is not normal for just having woken up normally if that was the case of a real awakening, then you are safely lucid dreaming, and you can try to jump of the balcony ( careful not to do it if you feel tired, inside an LD or not, hah) or simply get outside if you dont live in an appartment, and then you will be in a much lucid world.