I was trying wild, i thought i was failing completely because my usual blinding white light that normally tells me im ready to start HI but it didnt show up, yet, i got some immage, it was like about postcard size and it was a floating picture of a castle, then a few other i cant remember that just floated around, and it wasnt me thinking it, it seemed like i could see it on my eylids yea? but then i said whao it might be HI and i imediately lost focus and the stuff left and i lost it, then i got really sore in my arm and had to roll over… so was that?
Sounds a lot like it. I usually get flashes of images, things that I am not thinking off, along with sounds, and people saying things, voices, that don’t sound like my ‘inner voice’ and are not things I am thinking. That’s what HI is for me.
Yes it sounds like HI. It doesn´t always have to be a blinding light. It can be little images like that. They can grow to full size, or just fade out. It depends on you, and how you get from there into a dream. I always have a short blackout between HI and a dream. It is just a sec. then I am in a dream and know it is a dream.
ah so i was pretty close to dreaming eh… damn, i mean i still havent been able to do anything with my dream recall cause it just wont work, but i stay concious most times when im laying there so i try wilding while still trying to improve DR