Okay, so I tried WBTB last night and it didn’t work. First, I probably fell asleep earlier than I have in the past like 4 years, eleven PM. I did the insomnia thing where you move your eyes side to side to make your eyelids tired thus making you fall asleep. It worked rather well actually. I fell asleep within minutes.
My alarm went off about four and half to five hours after that (3:30 am). I turned off the alarm and went downstairs to post at ld4all for a bit and read a bit on LD’s. I went back to bed at 4:00am. I used the eye technique and… Then the unthinkable happened- I couldn’t fall asleep!!! Okay, so I just laid there and after about four minutes or so my groin would develop the worst type of pain, it was like its designed to keep you awake or something. It really hurt and I just had to move. I know I shouldn’t have because itll keep me awake but I couldn’t help it. I didn’t have this trouble falling asleep. So I couldn’t go to sleep until like 5:30am. Then I woke up in the morning and knew I dreamt but couldn’t pinpoint what. I knew I didn’t have an LD though. Then my dad yelled at me to get out of bed and I ran out of recall time.
Any suggesstions please!!! What was the groin pain??? Should I read or should I be on the computer? How should I fall asleep??? Does it matter?
It sounds to me like you have built up on things a little too much. I’ve found that sometimes when you are trying to get to sleep, if you give it too much importance you begin to get worried and notice all the little aches or itches that you have. You focus on them and they gradually get bigger, stronger and more important in your mind. It’s tricky but you have to find something to focus your mind on to prevent that happening; you have to forget your body.
It’s important to calm down. Don’t worry about what you should be doing, we sleep pretty much every night, it’s a natural thing that will come if you let it. There might be a few tricks that could improve your chances of getting lucid, but there isn’t anything that will cause you to outright fail.
Okay, so focus entirely on the mind not the body. One more question: How important is it to have a “clear” mind? I hear you have to have your mind completely at rest to WILD but I find it hard to get my brain to shut up. What should my thoughts be focusing on exactly?
BTW I did have recall, I saw an ad for a crappy Samuel L Jackson movie and completely remembered my dream in an instant. Ill post it in my DJ later today
I’ve always found that having a clear mind helped me to get to sleep in general, but it is something you’ve got to do cooperatively with your mind. If you try to force you mind into silence, you’ll probably just end up fighting with yourself. Try to jet let the thoughts slip away when they come. It’s like acknowledging them and then letting them go without holding onto them. At least that’s my experiences with it.
With what you should be focusing on, that depends on your technique, if you are using a mantra, focus on that. For visualization focus on what you are imagining. Some just focus on the middle of their head. Basically with your focus you are just trying to focus enough to stop yourself losing awareness. I find focusing on my body, brings my attention back to waking life and prevents me sleeping.
Okay, so last night I had the same groin pain, so I “took a pee that was white” and that got rid of the pain I guess. But I still couldn’t sleep. What would the best way to detach from my body without doing a WILD or knowing I am entering sleep paralysis. Because I am definently a DILD’er.