I’m going to chime in one more time because I can bring quality stuff to the project. Where can I see what you already have? I could determine if I could do better. If we are focusing on 100% authentic brainwave sound sequences, where can I find out what these sequences are?
They’re compiling the music and someone said that they would host the brainwaves for me to download and mix in. I’m still waiting to hear back from that person.
Ahh! I have been working like mad lately. I haven’t had much time at all. I have all the subliminals and supraliminals ready to go though. All I need is someone to post a link to a brainwave, and the final version of the music. I will mix it all together as soon as it’s all up. I have Friday off.
I can mix things together, but I don’t have any brainwave or subliminal experience. Since this isn’t really going anywhere lately, I’ve decided to do a little side project for a LD induction CD that is used as an alarm clock for early morning DILDs. I plan to play it at a soft volume so it doesn’t fully wake me up, but hopefully it will penetrate my sleep enough for me to recognize it during one of my last phases of REM sleep.