Hey, long time lurker but I finally decided to join up. This tuesday I remembered two dreams, but they weren’t very vivid. Today I woke up and couldn’t remember any dreams but something in the shower sparked my mind and it all came back to me. It was very vivid. So how much does a dream journal improve dream recall? I am also planning on self hypnosis using BwGen and repeating “I will remember my dreams,” over and over. So how much will this help and how long should I do it? Thanks In Advance .
If I don’t get up from my bed at the instant I wake up and write it down immediately, the dream is effectively lost. It happened many times to me that I just didn’t convice myself to get out and just thought “I’ll remember this one and write it in the morning”. And in the morning the only thing I could recall was that I had a dream – but not even a faintest idea what it was about.
Go figure.
Dream journal helps me a lot. It also improves my memory, apparently. I started to remember things from the past, old dreams and such much easier.
I used to remember mabye 2 dreams a month. 3 days of dream journal and i’m already starting to remember 2-3 dreams a night