MODS : If this has been discussed previously, feel free to remove this topic and redirect me to a previous discussion. Thank you. (The search function got me no helpful results)
I have had this numerous times, at least above twenty. I will call this feeling one.
When I am relaxed, in my bed, my body will feel like… it is hard to describe, but it feels like my skin is made of rubber, and my mouth is gagged because my tongue feels very thick.
This will not fade, until I fall asleep (maybe it continues, but I don’t know because I will be sleeping). On several occasions it has (I will call this feeling two) :
proceeded into my complete body tingling, combined with the feeling of going left-right-left-right like on a water bed, combined with thumping in the ears, combined with my heart freaking out (It starts beating really fast). This, on the other hand, will stop when I muster enough relaxation by breathing deeply. Also on some occasions, it felt like floating. This feeling (feeling two, not feeling one) sometimes ‘pulls’ me out of sleep as well.
I have wondered for some time what this is.
Anyone care to enlighten me?
Thanks in advance,