Weird Ld.

I have been listening to the lucid remix for like 4-5 nights in a row with no results and also i practise wild frequently.
I had no lucid dream in life ever.
Today morning something weird happen.
I had a rubish out of normal dream twice and when it started again for the third time,i suddenly got concious in it.
And i said this is a dream,and suddenly everything dissolved and the next thing i know,im sleeping but no dream,and i know that i can wake up if i want,which i did cuz i wanted to go to the bathroom IRL.
Wtf was that?
And later when i was thinking about it,it felt like i was dreaming about being lucid in a dream and the everything dissolving etc.

It sounds like you had your first LD. :cool_laugh: Things like that happen in first LD’s. Now you just have to keep working at it, and try to remember to do rub your hands or spin when it starts to dissolv. Each time it gets easyer :wink:

but i couldnt feel my dream body or nything.

Being lucid doesn’t have anything to do with point of view, how real the dream is, or what you “feel” in the dream. It is being aware that you are dreaming.
Once you are aware that you are dreaming, then you can work on the other things. If you are not aware, you can’t do anything that you want, but even if you are aware, you might not be able to do anything you want until you learn how to stay in the dream and control it. It was very short, and you didn’t have a high level of lucidiy, but you were lucid. That is how it usaly starts. First with the short, low level LD’s, then as you get better longer higher level LD’s until you have long LD’s with lots of control.
You have made the first step. :grin: Be happy about it, and keep working so that you get to where you can do anything in your LD’s :grin: It is just a matter of time and effort now. You know that you can do it. :ok:

[color=darkblue]It is different for everybody and can be different everytime. That is an LD, probably low control, but an LD nonetheless.

The rubbing hands together thing, deosn’t tend to work for me. I often start going lucid or OBE when falling asleep. I am often surrounded by blackness and sometimes start to see colours forming around me but nearly always wake up.

I can do this on command, but the other proper lucids I have had have occured without me prompting and by chance. I’ve had some now, where I’m able to change things and have good control. :hurray:

I know it seems wierd but that is what LDing is like. I woke myself up before and then when I’m awake I think "why did I do that-I was having an LD!

Sometimes, not all your mind is online when you LD with low control and you do irrational things. It’s frustrating but you can practice and get better.

Well done on suceeding in your first LD :good: [/color]

I know my post doesn’t count, but like said above, if you know you were dreaming, then you were lucid, it doesn’t matter on what control you have :smile:

Congratulations :partying_face: On your first LD! :happy: :cheer:

Actually if this is true,then this is my second ld,but its better than the first.

[color=darkblue]Actually your level of control and total awareness is very much a part of LD.

Sometimes you are aware you are dreaming but still act irrationally. The better part of you is aware but some parts of you are not. You don’t act entirely as you wish and have a low control LD…[/color]



whats strange.

I meant it doesnt matter how much control you have to have a LD. Just because you dont have control doesnt mean it wasnt a LD is what I was trying to say :sad:

Yes it is true, if you know that you are dreaming, then it is an LD. It doesn’t mater how much control you have, or even if you can “Think clearly” :neutral: That does not mean that it was a good LD, or a high level LD. It was just an LD.
If that was it however, then LD’ing would not be such a big deal, but that is not all there is too it. :grin: Once you get to where you can LD, then you can start working on getting higher level LD’s. That means more control, more clearity and lots more fun! :thumbs: That is why we all want to LD. Once you get to the point that you are as “awake” in your LD as you are IRL, then you can do whatever you want. :hurray: You could compare it to having a car. You could have a car, but never drive it, or just drive it once a month or so. You still have a car. You could also drive the car every day. That still doesn’t mean that you will be having a good time while you are driving, it could still be boring, like driving to work each day. On the other hand, it could be like driving a car in a high speed chase. It could be like driving in vacation. A lot more fun. In an LD, you can even learn to fly in a car. :fly:
So keep up the LD’ing, and here is hoping that you get your wings soon. :colgate:

so how do i work on more control in my ld and more ld’s?

It all depends on you. You have to learn which tech works best for you and then practice it to get more LD’s. As you get more LD’s you can work on control.
There are lots of posts about which tech’s there are and how they work. You have to read through them and pick one out and try it for a while. Each person is different so it may take a while to find a tech that works for you.
Once you have a tech that works, then you can work on control in your LD’s. There are lots of posts about that also.
If I had a simple fast way to get LD’s, I would write a book and make a few million $. :grin: There is just no simple fast way that works for everyone. :sad: You have to do the work if you want to get the LD’s and control.