Weird Sleep Paralysis

I have had this a few times the Night after a heavy drinking session, when trying to go to sleep, really really tired because I been up late the night before, Lying pretty uncomfortably in bed, pretty much as soon as I nod off I get loud sounds in my ears when I try to move they get louder, And I always hullucinate this used to happen very rarely, but the other day it happened about 8 times in a row I would wake up from it just happening, go back to sleep and it would happen, I was doing this for the best part of 20mins, But each time I was hullucinating differently one which scared me a little I could hear a cat snarling and hissing then I looked up and the cat was flying towards me, others there was a head my my table side, and a couple where someone was opening the door.

I have read somewhere that this is the more difficult way to get into a lucid dream, but haven’t learnt much more about it. I was experimenting with it the other night but as soon as I changed position where I was lying I was fast asleep and it never happened again that night.

it’s usually the more difficult way, but after you get to SP you’ve basically already done it

so basically all you need to do is “bear with it” and then just try moving using your mind instead of how you’d regularly move

well if i were u, then i would use those HIs and SP together to get a pretty easy LD or even ( if you believe in them) OBE. However i wouldnt try and recreate your situation with the heavy drinking and staying up very late as it might have negative effects on your body (u probably are aware of that).
HI can be very creepy, which has often made me stray away from trying to induce it or the WILD method.
Your condition, in my opinion, seems like it makes sense since u were out late and your body was exhausted, which seems to me like a good HI breeding ground :smile:
Hope this helped,
The Luciddator