weirdest sleep paralysis ever

okay so i was sick this morning, i had a headache, so i decided to not go to school. so i slept and slept when i woke up at about 5 ish i’d say. i was up for a while and i tried to WILD but i fell asleep. now this is going to be hard to describe, but i was “awake” and paralyzed in my bed and then all of a sudden this white light started coming and soon it was all i could see. i tried to yell or whatever but all that came out was a moan. after a minute of this i eventually regained control of my muscles and “woke” up. i am aware that i could’ve easily WILDed right there or tried an out of body experience but i was pretty freaked out because i thought i was dying (white light). anyways, just wondering what you guys think of this “dream/sleep paralysis” incident.

I think that would be cool. I’ve never had SP but i want to experience it. I guess it would be scary if you didn’t know what it was.

Just try to relax next time.