I’m one of those people who rarely even remembers their dreams, but last night, I had a very vivid dream in which I became lucid, well, semi-lucid. My dream went like this: I was in bed and I felt strange, so I got up and went to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and noticed that my face was very pale, rigid, and smooth. My pupils were dilated and my normally unruly hair looked professionally done. This is when I thought I was dreaming, so I did some more reality tests and half-confirmed it. All of the sudden, I suspected I was still awake, but almost dreaming (why I thought this, I don’t know). So I closed my eyes and let myself fall to the ground, only I never hit the ground; I had that “free-fall” sensation for about 3 seconds where I could actually feel the air on my face and I was awake in my bed. What occurred to me as strange was that I was lying on my back; I never sleep on my back. Could this have made lucid dreaming more possible - my sleeping position? It seems like a stretch, but it is really the only thing I did differently. I’m definitely planning on trying again tonight, but I’d definitely like some feedback on my experience.
That sounds cool. I wouldn’t of fell on purpose cause with my luck I woulda ended up with no LD that night and a concussion to prove it . I hate the free fall dreams
. they feel so weird and then it feels like I landed on my bed. I figured out why it feels that way, when I or anyone maybe has that dream when you wake up your body jerks a bit. To make it feel like you fell and hit the bed. I hate it cause I’ll get a big adrenaline rush and get nervous for a few sec. It usually happens to me when I’m btween sleeping and awake, I forgot what it’s called.
Now that I think of it…when that happens I wake up on my back too. I never sleep that way, it feels too uncomfortable.
ya, i never sleep on my back, but for some reason i fell asleep on it and woke up on my back, so i kind of linked it with the experience of a lucid dream because it seemed like more than jus a coincidence.
Have you ever had a lucid dream where you can control what happens? Like have watever dream you want?
nope, not in memory at least. i’ve had one or two, and i wake up as soon as i realize it. i havent had one since ive educated myself about them though. last night was close, when i became semilucid and at least questioned my state - unfortunately i guessed wrong and thought i was awake and woke myself up. damn…
but thats why i want to have a lucid dream, so i can control it myself.
yeah that my dream of LD. get it “dream” ha. I know its not funny. But I had to say it. Anyway that’s why I think LD is so cool. I really want to control what I dream about. I’m not gonna use any pills though, I heard of em, but it just doesnt seem like the right way to do stuff. For me anyway. But, it’d be so awesome to have total control. I also heard if your lucid enough, you can control time in the dream. Not forever but for ex. you yell “stop time!” or something close to that. and you could spend 2 hours in the dream when in real life only a few minutes passed! I don’t know if you can control how long though. It’d be a little freaky to be stuck in there. But you can wake yourself at any time I’m sure. And not much time will pass depending on how long the dream. So you wont feel limited! Once you wanna wake up you just make yourself. I think you probably could the way you do on accident, like getting too excited, thats the biggest thing that wakes people that I hear. Or i think i read that you yell “wake up” and that works. Man, all of this sounds too good to be true but I guess it is true . Oh, better not get too excited or my chances will go down for a LD.
what woke me up is closing my eyes and falling into relaxation in my dream. being nonactive wakes you up.
that makes sense too. I’ll probably get a bunch of LD’s and wake up right away accidently or not be able to wake up when i want to
well i’m gonna go to bed now, i’ll keep my fingers crossed for an LD. Its 10:36 where i am and i was suppossed to be asleep by 9:30 cause of drivers ed. before school. . night
very good you almost have LD
/me invites you to have a drink Kidding Congratulations!
Well what you say it is really interesting i have had 8 LD’s but only 2 where any good. Still the two good ones where both lying on my back cause when i woke up i was on my back
So maybe that will be helpful
interesting, i wonder if theres a connection, or its just a coincidence.
I have noticed a connection to sleeping on my back too. Problem is I can’t investigate it because I have too much trouble falling asleep on my back.
I can say that I’ve had an LD/OBE while lying on my back…Im not sure what position I was in for my other LD’s, but chances are they could have been on my back. I usually fall sleep on my side though.
I too have thought that sleeping on my back could improve chances for an LD.
Now, when I think of it, everytime I’ve awoken from a lucid dream I found myself lying on my back… interesting
Hmm. Well to do a WILD I find it much easier when im lying on my back, and also when i wake up in the middle of the night im on my back also (im sure i moved around and ended back up on my back). Theres probably a good reason for it.
My brother and I also noticed that whenever we have lucid dreams, they occur when we are dreaming about being at home. I wonder if that is just a coincidence as well.
CJB - Yes, I have had plenty of LD’s where I could do whatever I wanted although sometimes i will just back and enjoy the dream (from a lucid standpoint).