Title has been modified. Previous title was: What color(s) are your HI?
Mine are purple, occasionally yellow/green, although if I concentrate I can get them to be any color, sorta.
Title has been modified. Previous title was: What color(s) are your HI?
Mine are purple, occasionally yellow/green, although if I concentrate I can get them to be any color, sorta.
Don’t you mean phosphenes?
Usually deep blue, if it is dark in my room and i concentrate, I can see the blue spot with eyes open too. I think the coloured spots are called phosphenes too, HI is more like 1-second movie clips or text lines to me.
Um, my HI usually start white yellow and green, sometimes purple the turn into full color pictures
Phosphenes are those shapes you see if you close your eyes, right? Mine are usually blues and purples, though if I’ve gotten green a few times, usually due to looking at a light or something.
My HI is usually more sound-oriented, but I remember seeing a rusty old boiler once. Full color, rust and all, though it looked a little like it was computer-generated.
When I have HI, i can see a green-coloured cosmic tunnel, and when i go through this I dream. I never tried to change the colours or details
I get full crazy visuals that are so colorful they look like someone vomited a rainbow on them. Either way within 2 seconds they dissapear because I get excited.
Blue and Purple for my Phosphenes.
They used to be white but lately they’ve been a greenish-yellow.
Mine vary alot, the most common are red, yellow or green.
Green and purple sometimes blue.
Usually red, green, purple, and yellow. Eventually I see whole pictures, though I never stay up past these because I tend to attempt MILD more often.
Just about any color for me, but they’re usually regular colors mixed with dark, kinda painting in odd box shaped figures.
red and green for me, fading in and out with orange and sometimes brown or yellow
I think you’re talking about phosphenes. Mine are greyish and yellowish when I’m going to bed, and there is often a little blue dot. When I practice WBTB, they are more colored and bright, and they are red, yellow, orange and green.
I know i’m a mood spoiler, but what’s the point to this question?
Does it matter what the colors are?
<Girby doesn’t think so.>
I think you mean phosphenes, dude. Anyway, mine are occasionally red, blue, purple, and green–I also get white in there a lot.
well i have white dots, green forms and black lines oO
kinda like a tunnel thingy sometimes, like when u have a dizziness
My phosphene are usually blue.
blue and green about 90% of the time.