I know that you cant really fully describe but could any lucid dreamers just try answer a few of these?
Is it like your placed in a real world? just different?
like can you feel everything, if you hold your hands together can you feel it? How real does it feel? Do people mostly talk rubbish? im just confused as to how it feels being awake in your dreams, please give me some insight and of coarse inspiration. + for some reason people say somthing like “oh i noticed ther watch was changing time” so i knew it was a dream, but to notice somthing like that wouldent you already be awakened and conscious in your dream? Because i thought it was your subconscious mind which wakes you up, i thought that you would just say hmm, cool my subconscious mind put me in a dream…
First off do you mean dreams or lucid dreams? I imagine things are a bit different for everyone but I’ll answer the best I can from my perspective. Dreams in general are different but unless you achieve lucidity they don’t seem different. It all seems logical even when it is not. My lucid dreams are generally not like my place in the real world although they often start like it. Generally when I achieve lucidity I will change it to whatever I am in the mood for at the moment. That has ranged from sexual dreams to total nonsense that seemed fun at the time (such as riding flying rats). Kind of like a daydream but much more vivid. If you gain complete control over your dreams you can go anywhere, do anything. You gain a universe that you can control with a thought that is only as limited as your imagination.
To me lucid dreams feel totally real. People talk like real people in my lucid dreams unless their roll in the dream is as a lunatic.
I am so used to testing reality that I just do it in dreams too, it is almost a reflex behavior. I don’t really trust that reality is real, in fact this may be a dream right now, your post may be something my mind made up. However at this point I can’t change things so I will go along with it, if it is a dream it doesn’t matter I suppose. Other people have better methods for sane people I imagine but if you are a touch paranoid this works. The problem is it has to come naturally, if you arn’t doing it you probably won’t.
First off my regular dreams seem as real as rl except they usually are messed up. Believe it or not lds are so real that they are almost like a higher level of reality. When you touch something in a ld it feels tangible because your mind is creating that sensation.
the only couple of times I’ve reached Lucidity (only a couple seconds) I felt very aware, but it was like I was walking in water, moving a bit slower than usual, but I think this was because I was losing Lucidity. Real dreams feel as real as right now quickly does RC anyway, good luck with LDing!
“When you touch something in a LD it feels tangible because your mind is creating that sensation.”
Or shall we say- its higher level of perception,not decreased by our senses.Thats why you can see the music for example(our real life eyes cant do this but we know those waves can be seen under som circumstances)
Just a thought.
For me it’s pretty much like this.I’m just standing there.I might be talking to someone,looking at an object when I realize that I’m dreaming.The best way to explain what it’s like at this point is with this emoticon:
As soon as I realize that I’m dreaming all of my senses are working.I can feel the warmth of the sun or the dampness of the rain.If you’re outside always make sure to look up.Most people,including me,usualy see huge planets,comets,auroras,and stars exploding all at once.Once I looked up and I saw a huge ceiling of ice above me.Light hit it at different angles creating a huge array of colors,and, if you’re flying in the air you can feel the air rushing past you.
Most people don’t usually recall having taste or smell in regular dreams,but in LDs smells and tastes seem to be more intensified compared to real life.Once in a dream I was able to try 7 different types of cheesecake and a variety of different desserts.Didn’t gain a pound.
wow this topic just got me totally pumped for having a full lucid dream
You can eat cheescake in lucid dreams?!! I can’t wait to have one!
“I know that you cant really fully describe but could any lucid dreamers just try answer a few of these?
Is it like your placed in a real world? just different?
like can you feel everything, if you hold your hands together can you feel it? How real does it feel? Do people mostly talk rubbish?”
4 times I’ve become lucid in my dreams, in only one of them was I actually able to do anything. The first time I became lucid everything was blurry and unstable and I got a strange bad feeling, so I woke up. Second time I became lucid everything was very clear and life-like, but the bad feeling came over me again so I woke up. Third time I realized I was dreaming, I fought off the bad feeling and after a bunch of things happened (waking up in my dream numerous times, trying to figure out if it’s real, etc.) I was on our driveway, completely lucid.
My vision wasn’t too clear, but at the time I wasn’t paying attention to that. I remember feeling everything. I felt door handles, carpet, and pain. It’s like having your own room only it’s far more vast and interesting. You have your own world where you can do anything you want without consequences. So yes, it’s like your in the real world, which is uncannily strange to think about whilst the dream is going on, considering that in reality you’re just laying on your bed motionless and all of it’s in your head.
About people talking giberish, there hasn’t been much talking in my LDs, although I don’t recall hearing anything out-of-the-ordinary
It feels like warm apple pie…