Congratulations Shogun, and wellcome to a very interesting world indeed. The fact that the cheeseburger did not appear is quite natural as LD have their own rules which you, ironically, set. These rules are, as far as I imagine, set by your subconsciousness and you must find a way around them. When you try a Reality Check by watching your watch, be not surprised if time after all is logical, numbers remain the same and cheeseburgers don’t appear.
I discovered LDing when I was a small child trying to escape from constant nightmares. Even today they follow the same patterns, lights are dimm or not working, its night and I am at home hounted by my mother. And here is the trick, and the perfect Reality Check, lights and lamps, no matter what won’t function in a nightmare. If they would the nightmare would end, something my unconsciousness does not allow. Although this feature gives an edge, it results in most LD beginning as nightmares, a real challenge to alter. One way would be to construct a RC such as these lines, which appear to be impossible to exclaim in a dream, as the refrain is so long you forget what you started with:
“See no evil, hear no evil, see no evil”
Try to find your own way, dream diaries are not a must. Learn not to force your dreams, instead follow them, this way they will become long lasting. Asking for a hamburger to appear might well have been the reason you woke up, although I admire your idea of “cheating” the lady (yourself) to give a kiss. Next time forget the kiss and ask something neutral.
Other very typical features for LD concerning erotic feelings are the appearance of family members etc. Eg. you which for someone really cute only to meet your parent. A way around it would be to sit down on a bench just looking for bypassers, the chare number will hopefully allow you to pass that loop. Additionally you are not forcing your dream, typically prolonging it, as you are not actually actively looking for the cutie but doing something mundane. However, be careful not to forget you are dreaming, but try to put it out of focus, minimising a probable feeling of duality, especially if the dream is not intense.
Carpe noctem