Just wondering…but what does everybody do when they first become lucid. I mean, the second you realise you are dreaming through whatever way…what do you get the urge to do? And if you havn’t had a lucid dream yet…what do you want to do when you have that first LD moment?
Just curious as to what everybody’s reactions are to that sudden “wake-up” in a dream (It’s kind of an experiment for my next app)
Um… usually I’m stupid and forget to establish lucidity. I usually just try doing stuff first. Lately, I’ve been trying to get info to/from my SG or change the setting (I WILD and ALWAYS end up in my room…).
That is something that changes for me depending on the dream.
During my first dream I decided to tranform myself
During another one, the first thing that I thought of doing was changing my voice by so much that I sounded like a man. (I had gotten a couple of strange looks from dream characters).
At some point I once attempted to change the weather - and I managed to make it rain, which also made the DCs I was with angry.
I try to make someone appear usually, or try to find someone. I usually count to 10 and do some math when I become lucid to make sure I’m totally lucid, and sometimes I say my name.
I have yet to make sure my “hearing” is lucid. I usually don’t remember sound thus I bet I would if I focused on sound when I became lucid. I do remember music though.
It depends on the environment I am in, most of the time I start in my room and fly out of the window.
Lately I had some low level LDs where I always tried to climb up somewhere, for example the roof of my house, but I’m not able to do it, then I think that I should be able to do it because I am dreaming, so I go on trying and eventually lose lucidity.
I’ll realize that I’m dreaming, and feel this awesome shift of mind/conscious… Like if you’re playing a game on the computer, and turn up the monitor brightness. Everything shifts brighter in some way. (I do a few RCs to make sure, though. =P )
Lately I’ve been indescisive on what to do in a dream, and I usually fall asleep before I can decide anything. Thus, my dream logic picks the next best thing : Find guys. (There’s been a few exceptions, most of them being “Meet Spider-Man.” XD )
I’ll do the earlier mentioned choice unless there’s killer crocodiles loose/a lost cat/ect. (Lately the disaster has been tornadoes, but my subconscious just spawns new ones whenever I get rid of one, so I just ignore it and move on.)
It depends; sometimes I think it might be fun to follow the flow of the dream… Usually the first thing I do is try to get my SG… I do like to try test out some random dream hypothesis, but I rarely have any plans when my LDs come along. (So, I just go with the get the SG and see where the dream goes from there, or finish some dream goal.)
The first time, I ran around looking for a door leading outside (I was in a house) so that I’d have room to fly. The second time, I flew indoors and didn’t bother looking for a door. Ditto with the third. The fourth time, I stepped outside onto a barge that was already flying, so I didn’t have to worry about doing it myself.
I notice there’s a theme here… I’m not really all that interested in flying in lucid dreams, but for some reason it’s the first thing that always entered my head when I became lucid.
i think it’s possible for me to supress my dream exploration in hopes that I can actually WRITE ABOUT IT when I wake up. I mean lets face it, going to pirate island, then moon XII in galaxy Zerdigon, and THEN going into the dungeon of the dead king of Galistu… you know… it’s just too much to write about
whenever I become lucid…I INSTANTLY start flying. I think of it as the “portal” to my adventure…which sounds corny and stupid, but I don’t know how else to word it. lol. Usually when I fly, I just go and go until I see a cool place. I’m always curious as to what my mind will create without my permission.
After flying, I just do whatever I can think of. That is…mind powers, spawning things, messing around with DCs, mass destruction in a city, flying planes, driving cars over 150 mph, sex of course, and eating tons and tons and tons of food. oh oh and going through mirrors
LDs are fun…
Anyways…thanks for the replies. So far, it has been very helpful for my next “project” that I will be releasing later.
So far, I have only had one LD and I guess I was too surprised to really make anything grand of it. I had sex, which wasn’t bad at all, but I would like to think of something a bit more creative and personal next time, I mean, dreams open up a whole new realm of opportuneties and abilities, would be a shame to waste a lot of energy on doing stuff that is also do-able in waking life.